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What Has Become Of Newtown?



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What Has Become Of Newtown?

To the Editor:

This is directed to Dr Robinson and her henchmen.

I am dismayed in the way the Board of Education treats the citizens of this town in open public meetings. It was very apparent by their actions that they do not want to listen to any opinions that the public has to offer. The days of “by the people and for the people” are gone. Eighty-two years of devoted service by the independent bus drivers mean nothing. Outsourcing is the new American way. It is also the way leading this country into being a third class world power. We have just stood by and watched hopelessly as the lives of over 40 families in Newtown have been destroyed by a heartless group of individuals. We are no better than the Germans watching their neighbors being destroyed by the Gestapo and doing nothing to stop the holocaust.

Why must three individual police officers be assigned to “keep the peace” in an open Board of Education meeting? What type of message is being sent to us in a free country? What have we done to these families? How will they pay for the outstanding loans on their buses? Our short sightedness not only impacts these operators, but will impact the community by lost revenue. Our tax money will be going outside the community and not recycled within our own local businesses. How will the independent bus operators be able to support their homes and families? Watch out MTM, you are next to being eliminated if [Superintendent Robinson] has her say.

I see that Dr Robinson, Mr Bienkowski and Dr Gejeda all have contracts of employment. Their total combined compensation is in excess of $466,000 per year. I would think that if the independent bus drivers have to bid on a contract and that the town is obligated to renewing contracts based on the lowest bidder, I believe it’s time we taxpayers get more for our money and put these jobs out for bid to save a substantial amount of tax dollars for the town taxpayers. It might be time for thinking in a different light.

The town motto used to be “Nicer in Newtown.” That has all changed in the past few years. It’s now “Rotten in Newtown.” I say that the town needs to say enough is enough.

Sincerely Dismayed,

Jay Birden

Buttonshop Road, Newtown                                September 26, 2011

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