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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Cultural Events

Multi-Generational Pilobolus Program Being Offered In Newtown And Southbury



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ASAP (After School Arts Program), based in Washington (Conn.), is bringing the renowned dance company Pilobolus to Newtown and Southbury through The Multi Generational Community Dance Project, for ages 13-103.

The dance project will have workshop sessions for 4½ months, followed by two dress rehearsals, and then two public performances, February 19-20.

Workshop sessions will alternate between Reed Intermediate School in Newtown and Gainfield Elementary School in Southbury. They will run from 4 to 5:30 pm.

The program begins October 7 and will continue, most Wednesdays, through February. Dress rehearsals will be Wednesday and Thursday, February 17-18, at Pomperaug High School in Southbury. The performances will also be at PHS. A performance snow date has also been scheduled, for Sunday, Febraury 21, at 2 pm.

Years ago, the foundation for which Marie Difilippantonio worked helped to fund Pilobolus in its early years. Now her granddaughter, Alexa Unger, has attended a Pilobolus program at Reed School during the school year. Alexa says attending changed the people who participated.

“You learn to work with people you never thought you could. Even if they weren’t your favorite people at the beginning,” she said, adding, “By the end you realized how important everyone was.”

“And you don’t have to be a good dancer to do well and enjoy yourself,” she noted.

Describing “The Multi-Generational Community Dance Project with Pilobolus” as engaging and a choreographic journey that is fun and energizing, Executive Director Joanne Torti said the entire program would be under the direction of Pilobolus dancers. Participants will choreograph a piece using the same methods the company uses in its studio. The piece will then be featured in two full-length Pilobolus shows.

Cost is $204 per person, although no one will be turned away for lack of tuition. Visit afterschoolartsprogram.org for more information, including the workshop/rehearsals schedule, and to enroll.

Marie Difilippantonio  and her granddaughter, Alexa Unger, both have a connection to the renowned dance group Pilobolus. 
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