Local Heroes
Local Heroes
To the Editor:
Recently, on March 30, a leaf fire in Shady Rest threatened my tool shed and my house. A neighbor came to my door and said he saw smoke coming from the woods at the back of my property at 171 Walnut Tree Hill Road. We went outside and flames were coming up the hill just to the rear of my tool shed. We tried to hook up my outside hose, however I still had the water shut off for the winter.
Just as we were doing this, the Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire Company arrived. The first pumper came up my driveway and other trucks went down below into Shady Rest Boulevard. In no time there were firefighters all over the area, being directed by radios onto the hill on my property. They ran hoses over my patio and up the deck on the hill, and had the blaze controlled quickly. These young men worked as if it was their house at risk. Being disabled, I could do little but watch and give thanks for these neighbors who drop everything and run to help us.
We take much for granted these days, and it seems that our local heroes go unnoticed day by day. However, we are fortunate to have such firefighters in our midst. These brave people need our support, after all they risk much in trying to save our property. Please support the Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire Company with your donations. And a special thanks to the other companies that also responded.
Happy Easter, and God Bless you all.
Gerald Mullen
171 Walnut Tree Hill Road,
Sandy Hook                                                                 April 11, 2006