The Voters Have The Final Say
The Voters Have
The Final Say
To the Editor:
I want to thank the many voters who joined me in supporting an increase in public education funding by defeating the second budget. I also want to thank all members of the BOE. I realize that all of you support quality public education. Thanks to the PTA officers, for getting out the vote. Your volunteer work is greatly appreciated. We are one-third the way there! We still need the council to approve a larger increase, then rally support for the improved budget.
Please join me again by politely asking our Legislative Council to return all or part of the $2.5 million to the BOE budget. Then support the efforts of those council members who vote for the increase by approving the revised budget (whether by referendum or town meeting). Yes, these are difficult times but we are only asking that the council restore funding to maintain our schools current services (the state has cut funding).
Please remember that we, the people (the voters), have the final say. If the council doesnât increase the BOE budget, I believe we shouldnât approve the town budget. Hopefully theyâve heard us this time! If not, please write, email, or call all of the council members and ask them to propose and support an increase in the BOE budget.
Thank you,
Bob Sabin
9 Knollwood Drive, Newtown                                          May 19, 2010