WWF Program To Promote Publicity For Business
Working Women's Forum (WWF) invites local professionals, entrepreneurs, and business owners to the group's next meeting, Wednesday, March 16. The group meets at The Villa Restaurant, 4 Riverside Road in Sandy Hook, on the third Wednesday of each month.The Survival Guide for Female Entrepreneurs - will reveal tactics to immediately attract potential customers.rsvp@workingwomensforum.net or call 203-426-7022.
On March 16, guest speaker Kathy McShane - founder of Ladies Launch Club and author of
Topics will include utilizing social media, plus little-known techniques for getting the attention of reporters and editors. Ms McShane runs Mastermind Accountability, Incubator, and Peer-to-Peer workshops.
Networking and light dinner begins at 6 pm, followed by the guest speaker.
Program and dinner fee is $25 ($10 for WWF members); a cash bar will be available.
The group also gratefully accepts canned food, personal health and beauty items for FAITH Food Pantry.
To register, contact WWF President Pat Marlin at