Saturday, December 20
Saturday, December 20
Knights of Columbus Toy Closet Collection Drive, 12â3 pm, in front of 5 Church Hill Road (The Newtown Bee), volunteers from Knights of Columbus will collect toys and gift certificates (items for teens especially needed) for next Toy Closet Open House; 426-6195, 270-1838.
Live Nativity, 6:30 pm, St Rose Church, 46 Church Hill Road, live reenactment at churchâs crèche, all welcome, caroling follows short presentation, refreshments follow indoors.
The Flagpole Radio Café, begins 7 pm, Edmond Town Hall Alexandria Room, 45 Main Street, $10, $5 for seniors and students, live music, theatrical performance, refreshments; 364-0898.
Final performance Panto Puss in Boots, curtain 8 pm, The Little Theatre, Orchard Hill Road, see December 19 details.
Sunday, December 21
Community Candle Lighting Event, 5:30 pm, at Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, celebrate first night of Hanukkah with Congregation Adath Israel and Chabad of Ridgefield, also music, display of handmade chanukiahs by children, all welcome; 426-5188.
Monday, December 22
Housatonic Valley Council of Elected Officials, 10 am, Brookfield Town Hall, 100 Pocono Road.
Thursday, December 25
Friday, December 26
Sunday, December 28
8th Annual Concert Society Chamber Orchestra Holiday Concert, 8 pm, Trinity Episcopal Church, 36 Main Street, tickets $30 (must be purchased or reserved in advance; no ticket sales at door), program to include debut of new composition by William David Brohn, also works of Vivaldi, Williams and Tchaikovsky, guest soprano Maria Ferrante, performance conducted by Richard Serbagi, reception to follow, fundraiser for Newtown Parent Connection; 426-9280, 994-5394.