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Time For Introspection



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Time For Introspection

To the Editor:

With the second defeat of the budget, it is time for some serious introspection and new thinking. First, the budget process has clearly failed to take into account the mood of Newtown residents. This mood is not different than the national mood expressed in Tuesday’s primaries across many states. Most people are fed up with politicians taking their votes for granted. This is true for Newtown as well. With a few minor tweaks to the budget, an encouragement from the PTA to vote Yes, and a statement by the superintendent that she can make it work, the town leaders figured voters would dutifully oblige. Well it’s time to listen to the voters.

And now for some new thinking. The most efficient source of tax revenue comes from businesses. They require few, if any, services from the town and their taxes are therefore hugely accretive. For years we’ve all been watching and waiting as the planning for Fairfield Hills continues to languish. Had the town leadership acted on several proposals in the past, we would already be collecting significant additional tax revenues, which would alleviate the budget crunch and the burden on households. As it is, any resolution of planning this year will not result in additional tax revenue for many years. The new thinking is simple: we can’t keep having it both ways — no business development, higher budgets for schools and no tax increases. The math simply doesn’t work.

And talking about math, the town decided a few weeks ago to allocate $1.5 million over three years to Newtown Hook & Ladder so they can build a fire station in a bog off Sugar Street. This installment payment was decided without anyone noticing, a lack of a definitive budget from NH&L on the building’s cost, and the residents’ firm opposition to such a project. As I said, time for serious introspection and new thinking.

Francois de Brantes

13 Sugar Street, Newtown                                                May 19, 2010

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