Business Buzz: Kumon Math and Reading Center
Business name: Kumon Math and Reading Center of Newtown
266 South Main Street, Newtown
Owner: Norman Roos
Business background: Kumon is a worldwide organization that was founded nearly 60 ago and has been gaining momentum in the United States in the last 40 years. Kumon focuses on helping children build reading and math skills, so that they have the proper foundation to succeed in school.
Mr Roos is the founder and original instructor for Kumon in Newtown, which opened in 2006. Previously located at 255 South Main Street, Kumon in Newtown moved to 266 South Main Street last Thanksgiving.
Mr Roos has been running the center with his business partner and daughter, Mary Kate, who is also a certified Kumon instructor. She will be leaving the Newtown location soon to operate the Kumon Math and Reading Center of Danbury.
Business focus: Mr Roos described the Kumon environment similar to a one-room schoolhouse. Children ranging from preschool to high school can attend Kumon to receive customized assistance in learning math and reading. They practice a variety of skills to better prepare them for the future.
"When kids come in here, we try to identify what skills they've already mastered and what they can do quickly, accurately, and independently," said Mr Roos.
From there, students work daily on that initial level of material and incrementally build to higher stages of work.
"We really encourage people to get started early and to try to build those skills ahead of when they see them in school," Mr Roos said. "I tell the kids all the time 'I don't want you to be the best math student or the best reader in your class, I want you to be the best math student or reader in the grade above you.'"
Students are expected to work seven days a week and are assigned 30 minutes of work to practice each day. Twice a week students meet in the center to continue their work.
"The beauty of Kumon is the individual nature of the instruction. The kids are getting the work that they need, not the work that their classmate needs," Mr Roos said. "They are getting the work they need to improve their skills, which is why there is such a great need for it in our culture today."
Important to know:
The goal of Kumon is not necessarily to have children ace their short-term tests, but to have long-term success. Mr Roos wants to teach students the necessarily tools to excel as they progress through school.
Kumon focuses on math and reading, but also looks to build study and concentration skills, as well as instill confidence in its students.
Future promotions: Kumon of Newtown has ongoing incentive programs, including its Donation for Skills Program. The Kumon curriculum is constructed by a series of work levels, and when children finish each section they take a test. If the student passes that exam, a specific monetary reward is received for achievement. The first few levels correspond to a $1 reward and build to the college levels that have a $250 reward.
Classroom hours are Monday, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, from 3 to 7 pm; and Saturdays from 10 am to 1 pm.
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