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To the Editor:



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To the Editor:

Jim Juliano is running for the Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers. Here is a partial list of what he has accomplished:

1. Acting as the volunteer project manager, Jim supervised a complete restoration and update of the Edmond Town Hall’s kitchen. The original estimate for the kitchen was $500,000. Because of his knowledge of plumbing and construction, his willingness to go to Danbury and pick up parts, and ability to supervise contractors, the final cost was reduced to $150,000. As promised, the project was completed in time for the Rotary’s Annual Pancake Breakfast.

2. Jim also directed the installation of the new and much needed HVAC system in the town hall’s movie theatre. The project estimate was $150,000. With Jim’s efforts and expertise, this project cost the town less than $80,000.

3. The first estimate for restoration of the Alexandria Room’s floor was $30,000. Jim decided that instead of replacing all of the old flooring, only a few new boards were needed, and the rest could be sanded and refinished. Now the floor glows in the light of the newly restored candelabras. The final cost of this project was merely $5,000.

4. With the help of Newtown’s state representative, Chris Lyddy, Jim is working on the application for an energy saving grant from the State of Connecticut.

Jim Juliano knows how to squeeze a nickel until it becomes ten cents. His record of delivering concrete results that save Newtown money justify voters’ confidence, and his return to the office of Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers.


Jan Lee Brookes

Incumbent Democratic Candidate

For Legislative Council, District 3

38 Hundred Acres Road, Newtown                           October 12, 2009

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