Alzheimer's Association Offers A Course For Caregivers
Alzheimerâs Association Offers A Course For Caregivers
Alzheimerâs disease and other related disorders affect over 10,000 people in Fairfield County and area towns. Alzheimerâs affects more than the person with chronic, progressive memory loss; it affects the entire family.
The Fairfield County Chapter of the Alzheimerâs Association offers a four-part caregiverâs course in March for the family caregiver of a person with Alzheimerâs disease and related disorders. The course will help the caregiver cope with the challenges of a dementing illness.
The Caregiverâs Course is offered in March on four consecutive Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9 pm at the Westport Library. The presenters are healthcare professionals including physicians; nurses; social workers; physical, occupational, speech and recreation therapists expert in Alzheimerâs care. Topics include a discussion of what dementia is and what it is not; how dementia impacts on the family unit; resources available to ease the burden of caregiving; providing a safe, secure environment that will enhance optimal function; and current research findings related to dementia. There is time set aside to address specific questions the caregiver may have.