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Connecticut Needs To Declare Sovereignty



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Connecticut Needs To Declare


To the Editor:

Just where does Congress get the notion that they have the right to force the American public to do anything? Saturday night (when most of us were getting in bed) the House passed the “Affordable Health Care For America Act (HR 3962).” This bill makes it a felony for willfully not having health insurance ($250,000 and up to five years in jail, thank you Nancy Pelosi). And in addition to the $15,000 insurance policy you must have, you still pay a tax (2.5 to 5 percent of your adjusted gross income) to cover the costs for those under the poverty level. What happened to our freedom of choice? There is no provision in the Constitution that allows the congress to usurp our rights in this manner. The middle class of this country will be severely burdened to the point of extinction. The wealthy will not be bothered by a new tax and those below the poverty level will get subsidized. The bill can be read on line at http://docs.house.gov/rules/health/111_ahcaa.pdf

The government will now tell you what medical procedures you will be allowed to receive, not you, nor your physician. As you get older you will receive less and less medical care because big government thinks you are no longer useful and therefore a waste of money. Big brother is intruding into all facets of our lives and we are letting it happen. We are losing our rights slowly but steadily. These rights, once gone, are lost forever, as is the way of life we once knew. Our representatives in Congress (who are supposed to be working for us) are not listening to our wants and needs, but rather to the needs of the lobbyists who are padding their pockets to vote the way they are told. The insurance companies are behind this bill as they are the ones who will be the beneficiaries of the legislation. Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) has said that this is a bailout of the insurance companies.

Our Republic is being eroded by the laws and restrictions being imposed by Congress. Posse Comitatus is no longer in effect, our freedom of speech is being compromised, our second amendment rights are being whittled away, and the federal government is growing by leaps and bounds. The larger government gets, the more tyrannical it becomes, instilling fear in the citizenry. It is high time that we exercise our rights as citizens and get our power back. After all this is supposed to be a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. Our state needs to join other states in declaring sovereignty and letting the federal government know they can no longer overstep their bounds. By doing nothing we let our rights and freedoms vanish like smoke in the air, never to be seen again. We need to stand up and take back our country!

Paul Lagnese

9 Pebble Road, Newtown                                          November 9, 2009

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