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Girls' Golfers Win First Match; Boys Also Begin Play With Victory



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They say good things come to those who wait. Newtown High School’s first-year varsity girls’ golf team had to hang tight for an extra few days to begin competition thanks to unplayable course conditions in early April. The Nighthawks, who played as club squad a season ago, finally got their first varsity match in on April 13 with a visit to Immaculate of Danbury at Richter Park. Newtown made the wait worthwhile. The Hawks came out on top, shooting a 200; Immaculate shot a 235.

Newtown’s Sarah Houle earned medalist honors with the top score among all golfers, firing a 45. Molly Wilson shot a 50, Halle Wilson shot a 52, and Liz Weisgerber shot a 53 for Newtown.

The team’s first home match is slated for Tuesday, April 21, when Weston comes to Rock Ridge Country Club for a 3 pm tee off. Opening week matches with Brookfield and Bunnell of Stratford have yet to be rescheduled.

The Newtown High boys, coming off a second-place finish in the South-West Conference, won their opener, defeating Bethel 138-149 at Redding Country Club on April 9. Graham Hubbert shot a 32 to lead the way. Colin Patrick shot a 34, Josh Houle and Jacob Burden both shot a 36, and Tom Rahr shot a 45.

Following a visit to Masuk of Monroe on Wednesday April 15,, the Hawks are slated to visit Stratford on April 20 and Immaculate on April 21; they’ll be home to face Notre Dame-Fairfield at 3 pm on April 22. The boys also have matches with Brookfield and Bunnell that are yet to be rescheduled.

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