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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Tickets Available For Waldorf School Silver Anniversary Spring Benefit; Silent Auction Already Open



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Currently celebrating its 25th year, the Housatonic Valley Waldorf School of Newtown is set to host its Silver Anniversary Spring Benefit on May 16, at the Parish Hall of St Francis of Assisi in Weston.

The evening will include dinner and wine, a live auction of projects created by the students in each Housatonic Valley Waldorf School class, and dancing. Tickets are $50 each and available online at waldorfct.org/auction.

As part of the 2015 Spring Benefit, Housatonic Valley Waldorf School is holding an online auction that opened May 3 and is running through May 17. Dozens of items are available in the auction, from handmade items, jewelry and music lessons to spa items and classes, museum and amusement park passes, and even the chance to the a South African photo safari for two.

Categories include Apparel & Accessories, Arts & Entertainment, Classroom Projects, Eat Drink & Be Merry, For Children, For Families, For the Car, Home & Garden, Mind Body & Soul, Summer Camp, and Travel.

The auction and benefit are open to the public. Anyone may preview items and register to bid at the website.

The Spring Benefit is organized by a group of volunteer parents and is an important fundraiser to closing the gap between tuition and the actual costs of educating students, according to the school.

All proceeds from the event and auction will support the Housatonic Valley Waldorf School. 

The HVWS Silver Anniversary Spring Benefit is an important fundraiser to help close the gap between tuition and the actual costs of educating students, according to the school.
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