Date: Fri 18-Sep-1998
Date: Fri 18-Sep-1998
Publication: Ant
Author: CAROLL
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Allen Blagden At Marbella
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NEW YORK CITY -- The Marbella Gallery, Inc, 28 East 72 Street, will host a
one-man show of realist watercolor paintings by Allen Blagden from October 6
to 17.
Blagden has exhibited at museums as far away as the Leigh Yawkey Woodson
Museum in Wausau, Wis.; on the Eastern shores at the Boston Museum of Science,
in Massachusetts; the Adirondack Museum in New York; as well as the Wadsworth
Athenaeum and the New Britain Museum of American Art in Connecticut.
Amongst his awards are those from Allied American Artists, The Century
Association and the National Academy of Design.
The gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday, 11 am to 5:30 pm.