Resiliency Center Events To Include Anniversary Celebration
The Resiliency Center of Newtown (RCN) will celebrate its first anniversary on September 23.
RCN offers long-term healing to anyone in the greater Newtown community impacted by the events of 12/14, to help these individuals reach their full potential. The center is a program of Tuesday’s Children, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Its programs are free and confidential.
Founder Stephanie Cinque has, since September 2013, arranged for dozens of music, art, employment workshops, and even chocolate therapy programs to take place at 153 South Main Street.
The public is invited to visit the center next Tuesday between 9:30 and 11 am to meet Ms Cinque, volunteers, and see where the center is one year after opening its doors.
Upcoming programs at RCN include “Creative Insight: Taking the Next Step,” an effective and inspirational life skills program which successfully helped families directly impacted by the events of 9/11 move forward with their lives. Through the sponsorship of Tuesday’s Children, more than 400 family members have had the opportunity to experience the program.
Based on the renowned Stanford University Graduate School of Business course “Creativity in Business,” “Creative Insight” is a powerful tool for charting a new course in life regardless of one’s circumstances. The program enables individuals to discover and utilize their creative potential, encourages innovative problem solving, and provides the tools needed to face challenges and experience more fulfilling lives.
“Creative Insight” focuses on the concept that in using creativity to strengthen and enrich one’s own life, they are then better able to help strengthen and enrich their families and communities.
This program consists of five half-day classes utilizing lectures and group and individual work. There will also be one-on-one coaching with a professional life coach.
“Creative Insight” will meet Wednesdays, September 24, October 8 and 22, and November 5 and 19. Sessions will run from 9:30 am until 2:30 pm.
Space is limited, and registration is requested. Contact RCN Office Manager Jennifer Holgiun at 203-364-9750 or for registration or additional information.
Beginning Thursday, October 2, and running weekly until November 6, RCN will be offering “Midday Mindfulness,” a program geared toward developing mindfulness.
Utilizing a variety of meditation techniques, art therapy processes, and sensory elements, participants can expect to leave feeling more at ease and to learn some easy take-home exercises. The sessions will run from noon to 1:30 pm, and will be facilitated by Lisa Donohue-Olivieri, MA, ATR-BC, LCAT, LADC.
Space is limited, so reservations are requested; contact Ms Holgiun at RCN.
In addition, RCN is planning to offer “Creative Writing Workshop for Teens,” a six-session program for writers and creative spirits.
Sessions will begin Thursday, October 2, 6 to 7:15 pm, and continue during the same timeframe weekly through November 6.
Each week, students will participate in a variety of writing exercises designed to heighten creativity and facilitate expressiveness. This program will also be led by Ms Donohue-Olivieri.
Space is limited, so registration is requested and can be done by contacting Ms Holguin at RCN.