Political Parties Conduct Caucuses
Political Parties Conduct Caucuses
By Steve Bigham
Newtownâs Democrats and Republicans both held caucuses last week for the purpose of choosing members for their respective town committees.
The Republicans met January 12 at the Alexandria Room in what was described as a spirited meeting. From the floor, Republican Cordalie Benoit nominated newcomers Wendy Beres, Tom Faeth, Penny Meeks, Steven Moore and Antoinette Moore, and Richard Abbott nominated himself, increasing the number of members from 36 to 44. The RTC chairman is Marie Sturdevant.
The Democrats met January 13 at the Alexandria Room where things were described as âharmonious,â according to party chairman Earl J. Smith. The small turnout was blamed on the snow.
The new committees will take effect March 8.
The following is the list of town committee members for each party:
Richard E. Abbott, Karin B. Aurelia, Winthrop A. Ballard, Cordalie E. Benoit, Wendy G. Beres, Karen H. Blawie, Joseph E. Borst, James J. Boylan, William A. Brimmer, Jr, Andrew J. Buzzi, Jr, Michelle Buzzi, Robert A. Cascella, Thomas J. Faeth, Thomas Goosman, Robert H. Hall, William R. Harris, Jr, John W. Kortze, Tara B. Kortze, Edward L. Lucas, Carol J. Mattegat, Eleanor C. Mayer, Elaine R. McClure, Penelope R. Meeks, Russell J. Melita, William F. Meyer, James M. Mooney, Sr, Antoinette M. Moore, Steven J. Moore, Barbara A. OâConnor, Carol A. Recht, James P. Reilly, Pierre Rochman, William F.L. Rodgers, John H. Ryan, Mae S. Schmidle, Cynthia Curtis Simon, Richard M. Simon, James J. Smith, K. Michael Snyder, Joseph L. Steinfield, Lillian Strickler, Marie A. Sturdevant and Andrew Willie.
Catherine A. Andrews, Edgar W. Beers, Joseph H. Bojnowski, Alan J. Clavette, Ethel E. Connor, Linda J. Connor, Robert W. Connor, Michael E. Daubert, Christopher B. Donohue, Edwin F. Dudeck, Richard S. Eigen, Gary A. Fetzer, Charles V. Framularo, Jr, Jay T. Gill, Luebertha, Harris, Joseph M. Hemingway, Herbert Hoover, Jr, Jeanmarie Roche-Hoover, Ruby K. Johnson, James T. Juliano, James Kearns, Jr, Michael P. Kelley, Ann M. Krane, Mary J. Madden, Sarah C., Mannix, John A. McCarthy, David K. Nanavaty, Charles, Pilchard, Daniel C. Rosenthal, Jack H. Rosenthal, Lisa B. Schwartz, Earl J. Smith, Jr, Kevin M. Tepas, Linda J. Thomas-Clement, Anna F. Wiedemann, Heidi G. Winslow.