Cancellations & Postponements
Due to today’s storm, meetings, parties and other events are being postponed. Following is a list of events that have been affected by today’s weather.
Please call Newtown Bee Associate Editor Shannon Hicks at 203-426-3141 to have your group added to this list. The weather is expected to remain challenging all day, so businesses that decide to close early are also invited to contact Ms Hicks to be included in this posting. Additions will be made as they are called in.
Newtown Parks & Rec Indoor tennis clinics for this morning and this afternoon are cancelled due to the weather. Make-up sessions will be January 28 (as indicated on the program’s original schedule).
Newtown Senior Center Holiday Party, which was to be 11 am-3 pm today at Capellaro’s Grove in Bethel, has been postponed until tomorrow. Same time and location.
Tonight’s C.H. Booth Library Board of Trustees meeting has been cancelled.
With schools closed today, tonight’s NHS Chorus & Orchestra Winter Concert is postponed until its snow date, December 19.
Any high school sports games that had been scheduled for today have also been cancelled.
An NHS Varsity Winter Guard fundraiser that was to have been launched tonight will begin instead on Thursday, December 12. Members of the winter guard were to begin selling poinsettias during the NHS Chorus & Orchestra Winter Concert, but the concert has been postponed due to today’s weather (see above).
Team members will be at Newtown Youth Academy on Thursday, December 12, from 8 am until noon, and Friday, December 13, from 8 am until 4 pm. Cost is $10 for 6-inch plants, and $20 for 7½-inch plants.
In addition, Winter Guard members will be at Newtown High School for the Newtown Middle School 8th Grade Winter Concert on Monday, December 16; the Newtown Middle School 7th Grade Winter Concert, on Wednesday, December 18; and for the rescheduled NHS Chorus & Orchestra Winter Concert on Thursday, December 19. All three concerts are scheduled to begin at 7 pm.
XL Tutoring, at 20 Church Hill Road, is closed today.
(update, 3:20 pm)
Tonight's Parks & Recreation Commission and Newtown Volunteer Ambulance Association meetings have been cancelled.