Change A Bulb And Help Save The Planet
Change A Bulb And
Help Save The Planet
To the Editor:
I wanted to discuss with you about how there have been many problems with using incandescent light bulbs in our society these days. Lately, we have seen that there are many advantages in using CFL (compact fluorescent light bulb) bulbs over incandescent bulbs. Our economy is all about âgoing greenâ lately and stopping global warming, so why not start with one of the easiest ways â changing our light bulbs?
Using a CFL bulb is much more energy efficient than a standard bulb. More than half of the electricity made in the United States is by coal-fired power plants, which release substantial amounts of carbon dioxide (the greenhouse gas that triggers global warming). By using CFL bulbs, you consume less electricity, therefore saving more coal-based power, which burns less coal, therefore less gas is released into the atmosphere. If everyone in the United States used compact fluorescent lighting, we could retire about 90 power plants. Not only does using these bulbs reduce CO2 discharges, but nuclear waste and sulfur oxide, both damaging to the environment.
Although initially CFL bulbs are more expensive, in the long run incandescent bulbs out-cost CFLâs. An 18 watt CFL used instead of a 75 watt incandescent will save about 570 kWh (kilowatt hours) over its lifetime. This saves an average of $25â$55 over the life of the bulb. CFLs use 50â80 percent less electricity and last at least ten times as long as incandescent. For example, a 22 watt CFL bulb has about the same amount of light as an 100 watt incandescent bulb.
Besides being energy efficient and environment-friendly, the CFL bulbs are enjoyable and easy to use. They give off a warm, alluring light, and can be substituted nearly anywhere that the incandescent lights are used. Some examples of this are table lamps, track lighting, ceiling fixtures, and porch lights.
Overall, compact fluorescent light bulbs are the better choice. They are just one of the many ways that we can prevent greenhouse gases leaking into our environment and stop global warming. And save money! Think about it for a minute of two. Whatâs your choice â helping save our planet or watching it suffer? The future is in our hands.
Emily Dutt
19 Borough Lane, Newtown                                            June 6, 2008