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JLEFC More Than Doubled Its Goal With New Literacy Program



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JLEFC More Than Doubled Its Goal

With New Literacy Program

The Junior League of Eastern Fairfield County (JLEFC) recently more than doubled its goal of collecting 3,000 books for its new signature project, Leaguers Building Readers. At year end, the JLEFC collected 7,878 books, which, with the help of JLEFC’s partners Read to Grow and The United Way, which will all be placed in the hands and homes of children in eastern Fairfield County who need them the most. The new project is part of JLEFC’s mission to help improve early literacy. 

“We are thrilled about the response we have had to this new program,” said Genevieve Halloran, president of the Junior League of Eastern Fairfield County. “Our members really went above and beyond just clearing out their own bookshelves and have encouraged friends, local libraries, and schools to do the same.

“In the last three months, Read to Grow gave out 7,000 books,” Ms Halloran continued. “It is an honor to know that not only did the JLEFC help provide those books, but they have a surplus to keep on giving.”

Leaguers Building Readers collects gently used and new books via book drives in the community organized by JLEFC members. Project partners Read to Grow and The United Way help clean, sort, categorize and store the books, and then JLEFC members distribute the books when a need in the community is identified.

Members of the community who wish to donate books and/or money toward the purchase of new books may do so by contacting the JLEFC office at jlefc@snet.net or visit www.jlefc.org for more information.

The Junior League of Eastern Fairfield County is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

Communities represented by the league include Newtown, Bridgeport, Easton, Fairfield, Monroe, Redding, Shelton, Southport, Stratford, Trumbull, Weston, and Westport. For additional information about the group and its volunteer opportunities, visit www.jlefc.org or call 203-259-9995.

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