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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

CAC Says Thanks



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CAC Says Thanks

To the Editor:

I would like to thank the residents of Newtown who came to visit our tag sale on Saturday, May 14. It was because of your spirit of community and good will that our tag sale was such a fun-filled and successful event.

I would also like to thank the dedicated and generous members of our Children’s Adventure Center family for giving up a wonderful Saturday morning in May to come out and help our center.

A special thank you to our parents Laurie and Michael Wright, Ann Clark and Laurie Paivo, Chris and Greg Rising, Bettina Nippel, Jodi and Don Markowsky, and to our great staff members Ann Marie DeVivo, Nora Lundgren, Linda Markin, and Anne McCutchan.

We couldn’t have successfully accomplished this undertaking without the help and support of all our families and friends.

Thank you from the children and staff of Children’s Adventure Center.


Rose Luizzi

Children’s Adventure Center

14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook                                     May 16, 2006

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