The Pleasure Of The Harvest
The Pleasure Of The Harvest
To the Editor:
 As the last of the fall onions from Newtown Youth Servicesâ Childrenâs Garden are harvested, I would like to thank the many donors who made the childrenâs garden possible. Two local businesses in particular, Lexington Gardens and Planterâs Choice, generously donated plants, seeds, and helpful expert horticultural advice.
I would also like to thank Mr Samuel Nezvesky who kindly offered the use of his land for the childrenâs garden. When others would rather relegate the children to an inaccessible traffic island or the insignificant limits of a whiskey barrel, Mr Nezveskyâs land provided an invaluable experience that will never be forgotten by the children who learned the pleasure of gardening.
Sincerely, _Jonathan N. Aragones
Newtown Youth Services
Main Street, Newtown                November 14, 2000