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After careful planning and diligent effort, the Newtown Bridle Lanes Association will present the sixth annual Frost on the Pumpkin Pace this Sunday, October 28, starting at 9 am. Change of location has brought the pace to Sykes Farm on Poverty Hollow Road in Newtown. After the pace, a wine and hors dâoeuvre buffet will be served.
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For half a century or so, the Dodgingtown Fire Bell has been gathering dust in the storage area of Dodgingtown Fire Company No 1. Richard Hall, a former department president, came up with the idea of mounting the bell in front of the firehouse. The work is almost finished and the monument will be dedicated at a public ceremony on Sunday, November 4, at 2 pm. The monument will include a bronze plaque honoring department members. Beneath the bell is a special cavity where a steel box will be placed and sealed. The box will serve as a time capsule, featuring historical accounts and memorabilia from the company.
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After the Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, October 18, shot down Newtown Housing for the Elderlyâs preliminary proposal to add more buildings to the Nunnawauk Meadows complex, Commissioner Arthur Spector announced that he intends to bring the project up again.
October 30, 1959
Many members and friends of the Dodgingtown Fire Company gathered at the fire house Saturday evening for the annual dinner prepared by the Auxiliary members â a dinner marked for special significance by the burning of the mortgage. Only last year the department was honored by the New York Daily News and presented a plaque by that newspaper for the achievement in best constructing a fire house with work done by members of its own department.
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The Christmas Bazaar at St Johnâs Church, Sandy Hook, promises to have many outstanding items to be used as gifts. One of the features will be a large collection of dolls to fit every taste and pocketbook. There are dolls for little children as well as those for older collectors. Most of them come with layettes. Also offered are many stuffed dolls with French, Chinese, Dutch, and Russian costumes, as well as 30-inch stuffed dolls.
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First Selectman Charles W. Terrel, Jr advises The Bee that a full complement of Police Officers and Constables will be assigned to patrol the town on Halloween. Mr Terrell stated that while the traditional right of youngsters to engage in harmless pranks and make the neighborhood rounds âTrick and Treatingâ would be recognized, vandalism or the destruction of property will not be tolerated.
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St Rose Hall was well-filled last Thursday evening, October 22, when more than 200 parishioners and friends enjoyed a roast beef dinner, followed by dancing to bring to a close St Rose Centennial observance. A feature of the banquet was a beautiful birthday cake with 100 candles, the gift of Mrs Anderson of Anderson Foods.
October 26, 1934
Morris & Shepard, Tels. 8 AND 186. NEWTOWN, CONN. SPECIALS Week Beginning Oct. 19: Thrivo Dog Food, âStarch Free,â 3 cans for 25 cents; Holiday Pumpkin, lge can, 2 for 27 cents; Your Choice Grahams or Premiums, 2 lb pkgs for 34 cents; Bisquick, per pkg, 32 cents; Lustro Polishing Powder, 10 cents per can; Grape Nuts, per pkg, 17 cents. For this week end we will have Choice Cuts of Beef from fancy, heavy western beef.
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W.A. Upham, that genial gentleman of Hawleyville, says that he has had to work nights to keep up with the orders for his excellent tea balls. Mr Upham has all the modern facilities for packing tea balls and a splendid factory in which the work is done, far better than in the crowded cities.
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A benefit dance will be held in the gymnasium of the Edmond Town hall, on Saturday, November 3, with music by Zyloâs Orchestra. The proceeds will be devoted to securing uniforms for our local police, and tickets at 40 cents may be secured from them.
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Due to the combination of excessive wind, cold weather and inability of some of the judges to attend, the model boat races which were to have been held on Elizabeth pond of the Newtown Village cemetery association, have been postponed for the past two Saturdays. It is hoped that the races can be held this week end, Saturday, October 27.
October 29, 1909
This Is A Corker. Donât let it miss you. Farm of 35 acres, fine location, nice 11 room house, 2 fire places, barn, 2 hen houses, corn crib with 75 bushels of corn on the ear, 2 fine cows, 1 horse, 75 fowls, 2 pigs, 12 tons of hay in barn, large field of corn and potatoes, 10 cords wood in stove lengths, 1 carriage, 2 wagons, 2 sleighs, farming utensils, all for $3,500. CHARLES F. BEARDSLEY, Newtown, Conn.
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A great deal of curiosity was manifested at the time of the organization of the Newtown Automobile Club, as to just what the object and policy of the club would be. Their objects are Good roads, Road courtesy, The technical education of its members, Anything for the betterment of Newtown township in any way, shape, or manner. Their policy is, To be friends with everybody and have everybody be friends with them.
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Thomas Maroney is doing the mason work on the foundations for the tailor shop building of Patrick Gannon, east of The Bee office. C.F. Beardsley has made a great improvement in the bank of earth opposite The Bee office. He has graded it off nicely and erected a neat wire fence.
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Bear in mind the course of four entertainments which the Menâs Club is to give this winter and get your tickets early. A ticket for the entire course of four splendid entertainments costs only $1. The first entertainment will be by the Three Star Novelty Co; the second will be an evening of magic by a first class magician; the third will be humorous recitations and impersonations; the fourth will be a grand windup of songs, stories and banjo selections.