Selectmen Slated To Approve $67k In Salary, Wage, Benefit Bumps July 1
The Board of Selectmen is due to take up several capital and wage related transfers Monday night, July 1 at one of two regular summer meetings planned before September.
The two highest profile actions on the agenda are the transfers of $161,579 from the Capital budget line to Contingency. Then a combination of two transfers from contingency will provide wage and benefit bumps totaling $67,477.
Negotiated wage and benefit increases for union employees of the Public Works Dept will require a total of $38,670, while 14 union workers in various municipal offices will draw their wage and benefit increases from $28,807 proposed for transfer.
According to documentation from the town Finance Office, the highest single salary and benefit increase, $4,226, is going to a staffer in the Public Works Dept.
Among the additional raises: $3,584 is going to the town building official's department; $2,647 to the Public Building & Site Commission for its paid staff; $2,523 to Land Use; along with $2,446 and $343 - the lowest increase posted - to two staffers in the Parks & Rec Dept.
All the increases resulted from negotiated contracts with the two bargaining units. Each salary increase has corresponding Social Security contributions, which range from $51 to $323.
Selectmen will also entertain a $500 transfer from a Dues & Travel account to the Senior Center Operating Expense line. And will consider an additional $29,000 transfer from contingency, placing $25,000 into a Capital line, and the balance into Uninsured Losses, according to the agenda.
The panel is additionally taking up a $5,000 appropriation request from an undesignated line in the Sandy Hook Special Revenue Fund, and is scheduled to take up an assessment appeal in closed executive session.
Selectmen have their second summer meeting scheduled for August 19.
This story was updated to correct the status of town hall workers, who are union members.