Annual Nature Walk Scheduled At Orchard Hill Nature Center
The public is invited to take part in the sixth annual Nature Walk, when members of the Town & Country Garden Club will conduct guided tours of the Orchard Hill Nature Center, 22 Huntingtown Road, Sunday, May 5, from 2 to 5 pm. The walk is sponsored by the Town & Country Garden Club of Newtown, the Newtown Lions Club, and Newtown Parks & Recreation Department.
Tours will begin in the parking area on Hattertown Road and proceed through the forested area toward the waterfall. Wooded pathways and boardwalks make the tours safe and comfortable for walking, so that the experience of discovering different plants and their habitats can be easily enjoyed along the way. Numerous varieties of ferns, native wild flowers, invasive plants, and indigenous trees will be identified by garden club guides.
The waterfall, capped by a manmade dam at its top, is fed by the north branch of the Pootatuck River and is a series of many separate falls and pools, all accented by dramatic slabs of granite. A history of the dam, waterfall, and general geology of the area will be included in the 45-minute walk.
Benches have been placed along the way for rest and meditation.
Committee members for the sixth annual Nature Walk are Margareta Kotch (chairman), Judy Beers, Josie Schmidt, Lina Williams, Barbara O’Connor, Carol Smiley, Terry Merola, and Diana Johnson.
For additional information call Margareta Kotch at 203-405-3171.