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P&Z Approves Change Of Zone for Hawleyville Site



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P&Z Approves Change Of Zone for Hawleyville Site

By Andrew Gorosko

The Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) has approved a change of zone for a Hawleyville residential property which would allow its use as a business office and workshop for a local residential design and construction company.

In a unanimous vote earlier this month, P&Z members approved a change of zone from R-1 (Residential) to B-2 (Business) for Academy Design & Construction, LLC, for a 1.9-acre residential property at 2 Saw Mill Road. The property is located at the busy intersection of Saw Mill Road, Mt Pleasant Road, and Hawleyville Road.

Benjamin Pilchard of 61 Butterfield Road, told P&Z members that his company wants to move its office from his residence to the house at 2 Saw Mill Road. Academy formerly had an office on South Main Street.

The company would use the existing house on the site for office space and use a barn there as a wood shop for its woodworking projects, Mr Pilchard said. The firm makes custom cabinetry.

Mr Pilchard said the house and barn on the property would be renovated and debris on the property would be cleaned up. The property has fallen into disrepair, he said.

P&Z Chairman Lilla Dean asked why Mr Pilchard wants the zoning designation changed to B-2 zoning.

George Benson, town director of planning and land use, said that the site is adjacent to an area that now has B-2 zoning.

Mr Pilchard explained that Academy clients could come to its office at the property and then visit the nearby woodshop where cabinetry is made. The site would be landscaped to improve its appearance, he said.

During a public hearing on the application, John DePasquale of 6 Saw Mill Road asked how he would be helped by a change of zone for 2 Saw Mill Road.

Traffic has become heavy in the area, making travel to and from Saw Mill Road more difficult, he said. The presence of a business at 2 Saw Mill Road could worsen traffic conditions, he said.

If the site gains a change of zone, what would prevent some other commercial use from occupying the property in the future, he asked.

Mr Pilchard said he understands Mr DePasquale’s concerns.

The property has been on the real estate market for more than a year, but had received no purchase offers, Mr Pilchard said. The site has been marketed as a residential property but the heavy traffic in the area is a detriment to such a use, he said.

The Academy use of the site would not generate much more traffic than a family living there would generate, Mr Pilchard said.

Mr Benson said that the property has limited development potential due to the presence of streams.

Michael Mattera of 4 Saw Mill Road asked whether the property could become the site of a restaurant in the future. Mr Mattera noted that a nearby bar/restaurant is a noisy operation.

Mr Pilchard said that his wife is a doctor and might want to locate her office in the house at 2 Saw Mill Road in the future.

Ms Dean said, however, that locating a doctor’s office in that building may not be possible under the zoning rules.

Mr DePasquale said that a change of zone for the property would aid the applicant, but does not help the neighborhood-at-large.

In its application paperwork, Academy states it is seeking the change of zone for uses including its own business use, for medical or professional office space, and for retail use.

In their action on the application, P&Z members decided that the change of zone is appropriate for the area. Also, the change of zone is consistent with the 2004 Town Plan of Conservation and Development, P&Z members decided.

Comments are open. Be civil.

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