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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

NEASC Kickoff Dinner At The High School



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A dinner was held in the Newtown High School cafetorium on Monday, April 29, as a kickoff for the high school’s preparation for its New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) scheduled 2015 visit.

Before that visit, which could come at any time in 2015, a NEASC Steering Committee will be working toward completing a self-study and preparing the school. NEASC is a regional accrediting association that establishes standards for all levels of education.

“Welcome to the beginning of a wonderful process,” said NHS Principal Charles Dumais at the start of the event. “I know that it is work, and as the Steering Committee here knows it will be work, I have to remind the Steering Committee that this is not work for you. This is work for you to manage for the entire school.”

Everyone in the school should have a part in the process of preparing, Mr Dumais said.

NHS social studies teacher Amy Repay and NHS math teacher Leah Clark spoke to the group about what has been completed so far and some of the upcoming steps for the steering committee.

NHS culinary students, under the guidance of Brian Neumeyer and Lori Hoagland, prepared the food for the Kickoff Dinner.

Newtown High School social studies teacher Amy Repay, far right, and NHS math teacher Leah Clark, second from right, spoke to members of a steering committee preparing for a New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) scheduled visit during a dinner held on Monday, April 29, to formally begin the committee’s work.  
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