Honor Our Flag     Â
Honor Our Flag     Â
To the Editor:
I just left our dump. As I was pulling out I looked up at the transfer station. I saw our flag on a wooden pole hanging out of a trashcan and touching the ground.
I parked my car and went to rescue it. I found that it was not only laying on the ground in trash but it was twisted in with a rake. This being the week after Memorial Day you would think that people would be more careful with our flag. Thousands of men and women died for our flag and what it stands for. It should not be tossed into the garbage like any worn out piece of cloth.
The VFW and the American Legion would be pleased to take your old flags and destroy them with the proper respect. Donât throw Old Glory in the garbage unless you think our great country is garbage.
I think that the town should have a box to put old flags in. Place it at the dump paint it red white and blue and give the people of Newtown a place to put Old Glory to rest correctly.
Duncan Brown
7 Sycamore Drive, Newtown                                          June 4, 2004