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All About Bluebirds w/ cut
Naturalist and author Fred Comstock of Bethlehem, an Audubon licensed bluebird
bander and author, will present a lecture and slide program, "All About
Bluebirds," on Sunday, February 21, from 2 to 3:30 pm, in the new meeting room
of the C.H. Booth Library.
Mr Comstock has monitored eastern bluebirds for almost 20 years - and has
banded over 6,000 birds.
In 1979 when Mr Comstock and his wife, Ruth, moved to Bethlehem, he put out
his first bluebird box. He has had bluebirds in his yard ever since.
Soon after, he became interested in bird banding after reading an article by a
member of the Connecticut Audubon Society in Fairfield.
He learned about bird banding from Carl Trichka, a licensed master bander. Mr
Comstock, a sub-permit bander, began banding in 1982 and operates under the
aegis of master banders.
He is a member of the Connecticut Bluebird Working Group.
Banding a bird, which means putting a small metal band with nine distinctive
numbers on it around a bird's right leg, allows bluebird enthusiasts to study
where the birds live, how far they might fly during the winter and to study
life patterns.
Questions and answers will follow the presentation as well as a book signing
of his book, Bluebirds: The How-To Book , which offers information on how to
monitor bluebird nests. The book and bluebird house kits will be available for
purchase. The program is free.