Ethics In Healthcare Focus
Ethics In Healthcare Focus
Of Feb Lunch & Learn
The February Lunch & Learn program for mature adults will look at ethics in modern healthcare on Tuesday, February 15, at noon at Ashlar of Newtown.
Making decisions about advance medical directives, understanding how your own definition of quality of life can affect your judgment about your care, and ethical issues you should consider when caring for a loved one are some of the issues which will be discussed. Attendees will have the opportunity to talk freely about these significant, yet often difficult, topics.
The multi-disciplinary Ethics Committee at Ashlar of Newtown, a nationally accredited skilled nursing facility and recipient of the 1999 Connecticut Award for Excellence, will present the program on âEthics in Todayâs Healthcare Environment.â
Ashlar of Newtownâs Ethics Committee, formed more than 10 years ago, is comprised of representatives from administration, medical services, nursing, spiritual services, social services, recreation, and the community. The group is well versed in the basic principles of ethical decision-making, including autonomy, quality of life, and individual rights versus the rights of others. In addition to discussing the critical ethical issues that should be considered in healthcare, the team will present a case history for discussion.
This program is part of a series of free seminars for mature adults about living and aging well. A complimentary lunch is provided at noon followed by the program which takes place from 12:30 to 1:30 pm at Lockwood Lodge, located at Ashlar of Newtown. Pre-registration is required. To register or learn more about upcoming programs, contact Hilda DeLucia at 203/364-3127.