The Way We Were
July 6, 1990
At a town meeting on Wednesday, July 11, voters will decide on the town’s proposal to borrow $2 million to pay Bethel to redesign its planned new Route 6 sewer line, so it would be big enough to handle sewage from Newtown. Newtown officials have favored this sewer proposal because it would encourage industrial development in Hawleyville.
For several local residents who worked on the Hubble Space Telescope, news of the high-tech scope’s view of the universe was a telescopic disappointment. “A lot of guys put their heart and soul into it for years,” said Joe Borst, a Newtown resident and former employee of Perkin-Elmer. Mr Borst worked in data processing, purchasing, and managed machinery and equipment at the company, now owned by Hughes Optical Systems. Currently, engineers who spent years designing and manufacturing the mirrors now are busy searching for reasons as to what went wrong.
Twelve-year-old Chris Hayward of Newtown was one of 14 athletes chosen, from 51 neighboring towns, to play for the West Regional baseball team at the summer’s Nutmeg State Games. Hayward, who helped the West Team to a gold medal last season, is again the only Newtown ballplayer to be selected for Youth Division team.
A witness’s information and good police work led to the arrest of four Bridgeport residents who were reportedly responsible for three smash and grab burglaries in Newtown. The arrests were made possible due to the team effort by Newtown, Bethel, and Southbury Police Departments along with State Police Troop A. The incident began when the suspects committed a series of smash and grab burglaries in town, entering Davey Bros Deli, K’s Korner Liquor Store, and then Taunton Spirits. Information obtained by the Southbury Police Department and a witness’s info were relayed to the other police stations. Bethel Police Officer Pacheco spotted a vehicle at the intersection for Rte 58 and 302. The vehicle matched the description of the vehicle wanted for the smash and grabs in Newtown. Newtown police proceeded to the scene, identified the stolen goods and arrested the suspects. At approximately 4:45 am, Bethel police discovered a smash and grab had taken place at Ziggy’s. A subsequent investigation led the officers to believe the crime was committed by the same suspects.
July 9, 1965
Although many Newtown residents have never been there, Newtown does have a second town park. Located on the shore of Lake Lillinonah at the end of Hanover Road, the park is used mainly by boating enthusiasts and fishermen as a boat launching site. One group thoroughly acquainted with it is the Newtown Jaycees. Since 1959 the Jaycees have been devoting their time and energy toward improving the park. Four Jaycee work parties this spring yielded the addition of a floating dock to facilitate boat launchings, the planting of ground cover on the steep bank leading up from the parking lot and the clearing of an acre of land.
The State Police at Ridgefield Barracks report that as yet no information has been received following their appeal for help from the public in identifying the hit-run motorist who critically injured a pedestrian on Sunday, July 4, on Route 34 near the Monroe line. He was walking with friends when he was struck by one of two cars, apparently drag racing. Each car contained two young couples. It seems incredible to The Bee that not one of these young people — nor their families — realizes that living with this secret will be far more difficult than facing the consequences.
This week will mark the end of the regular seasons for the Minor and Major Divisions of the Newtown Little league, the Minors playing their last game on July 2, and the Majors finishing on Friday, July 9. The Cardinals were crowned champions of the Minor Division, having won both halves of the schedule, and in fact won every game they played. In the Major Division, the Platt Lumber Dodgers took first place in the first half, but have been in a hot battle with the Sandy Hook Drug Cardinals.
A summary of vital statistics of Newtown for the year 1964 shows that births and marriages continued their upward turn, while deaths decreased. There were 237 babies born to Newtown, 133 boys and 104 girls, which more than offsets the fact that four more of the babies born in 1963 were girls than boys. There was another sharp upturn, in marriages, from 93 to 111. Not all of those married were town residents, but in most cases, at least one of the parties lived in Newtown.
July 5, 1940
On This Thursday Evening, July 4th at St Rose Hall Plans which have been underway for several weeks for the dance to be held at St Rose Hall on this Thursday evening, by the Sandy Hook Fire Department, are now fully completed. Numerous local and out-of-town friends are planning to enjoy the affair, and it is expected that several hundred people will be in attendance. The firemen will use the funds realized from the dance toward to their building and equipment fund. “Swede” Stoltz and his orchestra have been engaged to play for dancing.
Master Billy Moore, son of Dr and Mrs Clifford D. Moore, celebrated his fourth birthday on Monday by entertaining some of his small friends at a party at his home. The sandbox, swing and ladder afforded much fun and later in the afternoon supper was served at a prettily decorated table. Those present with their mothers were Elaine and David Egee, Danny Desmond, Hope Ringers, and Scudder and Teddy Smith.
The annual picnic held by the employees of the Plastic Molding Corporation on Saturday at the Pine Grove Ball Park, Sandy Hook, was attended by ninety people. During the day a ball game was played between the married men and the single men. During the game replacements took place frequently with the final score still in doubt. The menu consisted of steamed clams, chowder, steak, vegetables, salads, relishes, and liquid refreshments. It was a real outing.
On Saturday, August 3, at 1 pm, and continuing through the evening, there will be an auction of Fine Antiques at the Edmond Town Hall in Newtown. The entire gross proceeds will go to the Red Cross for the benefit of European war refugees. All antiques will be donated. Every cent of the proceeds will go to help those abroad who need help so badly now, and who will increasingly need it as winter approaches and disease and famine sweep across war-torn Europe. To all appearances, “Everybody’s Auction” will be one of the most unusual and biggest things ever put through for the relief of European refugees.
July 9, 1915
Carl Slater has bought out the trucking business of Michael Kilbride of Sandy Hook and will be glad to serve the public in any way in his line; teaming, furnishing hacks, haying, etc. Carl is a young man and we wish him well. Our friend, the popular bachelor, owns an automobile, an attractive residence and we trust a comfortable competency. That he may live long and find some worthy and beautiful lady to share his joys and sorrows is the wish of the scribe.
John F. Houlihan, the efficient tax collector, has collected about $34,000 since the beginning of the fiscal year, last September, a high record. Mr Houlihan finds the personal taxes are coming in rather slowly. Mr Houlihan wishes those liable to pay personal taxes to give prompt attention to the matter, as they must be paid.
Through the energy of the Borough Warden Peck and Landlord Porter of the Newtown Inn, the Newtown Borough had the most elaborate Independence Day celebration on the 5th the town has seen in a generation. The Borough street was brilliantly illuminated with lines of electric lights, which extended from sidewalk to sidewalk, which had been kindly loaned for the event by the Danbury Business Men’s Association. By actual count, more than 200 automobiles were lined up through the street, so that the actual number present was not far from 2,000 people. Fire works were set off near the Brick building, Sanford Beers having important duty in hand. In front of the Inn and the residence of W.A. Leonard, there was an elaborate display of bunting and flags. Danbury, Bridgeport, New Milford, Bethel, Redding, Monroe and Brookfield were largely represented in the company that gathered to enjoy the celebration.
The display for fire works in Sandy Hook on Monday night was said to be the finest ever seen in the series of popular celebrations held in that enterprising village on Independence day evening. A big crowd enjoyed the display and the band concert. The collection for the band was a generous one, for which the band desires to return their sincere thanks. The band concert consisted of eight numbers. The work of the coronets and tuba was especially praiseworthy. The village of Sandy Hook and the town at large have good reason to be proud of the band.