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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Crowding At The Senior Center



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Crowding At

The Senior Center

To the Editor:

After living 40 years in the same town, I finally bit the bullet and moved to be closer to family. Luckily I found everything I could want in Newtown. With welcoming churches, nice stores, and active community programs, Newtown is terrific!

Many of my favorite activities take place at the wonderful Newtown Senior Center. It has classes, clubs, trips, parties, and even provides lunch!

There is one difficulty however, the center is so popular that it has space problems. Last week, I actually witnessed seniors being turned away, for lack of space. What a shame!

There must be a way to solve this problem. Newtown is such a nice place to live. Shouldn’t it be senior-friendly too?

Maryann Zacchea

111 Haley Lane, Sandy Hook                                  February 14, 2012

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