Date: Fri 30-Oct-1998
Date: Fri 30-Oct-1998
Publication: Bee
Author: CURT
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ED INK: For State Senator
We were looking forward to this year's election campaign in the 28th
Senatorial District. Longtime State Sen Fred Lovegrove decided not to run for
reelection, and the seat is wide open for the first time in 16 years. In
addition, the parties fielded two bright young attorneys, each backed by
competent election organizations. We were looking forward to a wide ranging
debate on what the priorities and preferences of this portion of Fairfield
County should be in the State Senate. We were looking forward to this election
campaign until the candidates brought out their mudpots and starting smearing
each other.
We were critical of Tom Ganim two years ago for his negative campaign against
Mr Lovegrove. It was a turn-off, and apparently it turned off enough voters to
derail Mr Ganim's highly organized and financed campaign just short of his
goal. So when Mr Ganim this year took some legitimate questions about his
opponent's ties to US Tobacco and hyped them relentlessly with insinuations
about John McKinney's character, we were disappointed, but not entirely
surprised. We were even more disappointed when Mr McKinney responded in kind.
Quickly, the dialogue was lost in a mud fight.
We endorse Mr McKinney this year because once all the mud is cleared away, we
believe he will work most effectively with the Rowland administration to
continue to reduce state spending and the tax burdens on businesses and
individuals so that we send fewer of our resources to the state and keep more
of them in our hometowns.