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Cut The Police Budget



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Cut The Police Budget

To the Editor:

I understand that we are in the midst of one of the most difficult budget seasons that Newtown has had to face. The Legislative Council has called for cuts in education, but I am writing this letter in regards to cuts that should be made on the town side. In my opinion, the police force is completely out of control. I have read letters to the editor recently where people have been saying that they have been being “harassed” by Newtown officers and while I will not use that word, I will say that some of the speed zones that they have been enforcing are absolutely ludicrous. They are sitting in well-populated hot spots such as Elm Drive and Hanover and ticketing people for driving speeds that are completely reasonable on these roads. Speaking with people around town they agree that it is starting to get a little ridiculous that you have to hold your breath driving by a police officer for going ten miles an hour over the speed limit (I have been pulled over for this more than once).

It is something that needs to be addressed during this budget season as this is definitely an area where cuts could be made. While I appreciate all of these men and women who put their lives on the line daily, the instructions that they have been given for enforcing speed limits are ridiculous. I encourage anyone who agrees to contact your local government officials to let them know that this needs to stop so that people can drive around town comfortably without fear of being pulled over for driving the same way that the police officers themselves drive around town.

Thank you.

Katie Hill

17 Tamarack Road, Newtown                                         June 30, 2012

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