International Club Celebrated With An Election Night Party
International Club Celebrated
With An Election Night Party
Members of the International Club of Newtown met recently to hold their annual meeting and elect a new slate of officers for the coming year.
Michel Dolivo (Switzerland) has been elected the clubâs new president. Additional officers include Hilde Brehm (Germany) as vice president; Ursula Dolivo (Germany), secretary; and Amar Amembal (India), treasurer
Sheela Amembal will host the membership and hospitality committees, Ellen Parrella will serve as historian and publicity chair, and Wendy White and Ingeborg Reine will head the program committee.
The International Club of Newtown provides a setting for social activities and cultural exchanges of an international nature for its members. Eligible for membership are adults who were born in a foreign country and their spouses.
For more information on membership call Ms Amembal at 203-426-1788.