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Actions And Words



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Actions And Words

To the Editor:

It’s important to watch our elected officials’ actions rather than just listen to their words. As an example, let’s use the 1,017 page “health care” bill, HR 3020, approved by the House Energy and Commerce Committee on July 31. This bill establishes over 30 new federal programs, agencies, commissions, and mandates that will be between patients and their doctors, and will increase health care costs and the deficit. Yet our representative, Chris Murphy, a member of this committee, voted for the bill.

Most revealing are the amendments proposed and voted on by the committee (36 Democrats and 23 Republicans). Here are examples showing that the actions of the majority are counter to what they claim. Unlike some Democrats, Murphy (Democrat) voted with the majority in all cases. 

Claim: If you like your current health care insurance, you can keep it.


­*Change a section of the bill to these exact words, “Nothing in this division shall prevent or limit individuals from keeping their current health benefit plan.” Rejected.

*Include health benefits plans with Health Savings Accounts as a “qualified health benefits plan.” Rejected. (Stripping Americans of their freedom to choose HSA plans.)

*Ensure a level playing field between the public health insurance option and private plans by requiring the public option to adhere to the same federal laws and regulations as required for private insurers. Rejected. (Thus making the “public option” a much cheaper choice for employers to offer employees, rather than their current private plans.)

Claim: The government will stay out of health care decisions.


*Add a new subsection reading, “Nothing in this section shall be construed to allow any federal employee or political appointee to dictate how a medical provider practices medicine.” Rejected.

*Comparative effectiveness research (government evaluation of the relative effectiveness of medical treatments) will not be used for coverage determinations or reimbursement levels. Rejected.

Claim: No federal dollars will be used to fund abortions.


*Ensure funds authorized by this act are not used to cover abortion unless related to the health of the mom, rape, incest. Rejected. (While federal dollars are currently prohibited from funding abortions, this bill would permit their funding.)

Other proposals of interest:

*Require Congress to drop their current private health insurance and sign on to the public health insurance option. The majority voted to “table” the amendment rather than vote on the amendment itself.

*Make available to everyone the same “Cadillac” private healthcare plan that congress (including Murphy) now has. Rejected.

*Capping malpractice lawsuit awards. Rejected. (The legal industry has been the Democratic Party’s largest single contributor in recent years.)

Clearly the rhetoric does not match the bill.

Last weekend Murphy voted for the bill’s 2,016-page cousin, HR 3962, which narrowly passed the House. While sounding moderate, Murphy votes with the far left and against our best interests. Murphy and Dodd (champion of a similar bill in the Senate) are up for reelection next November. Can we remove them from office? Yes we can!

Cathy Reiss

42 Obtuse Road, Newtown                                 November 11, 2009

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