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Pleased At The Progress Done To Restore The School System



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Pleased At The Progress Done To Restore The School System

Dear Editor,

This week the Board of Education (BOE) deliberated and voted on the line item reductions that represent the $900,000 reduction made by the Board of Finance prior to the budget referendum. As a result of unanticipated year-end savings in areas such as energy, insurance, staff turnovers and, contract settlements, a $351,584 savings was applied against the $900,000. The savings allowed for the preservation of some teaching staff originally considered for elimination, and a significant portion of technology requests in all schools. However, as anticipated, not all staff was saved; two paraprofessionals at Reed School, a social worker, as well as necessary school maintenance, the balance of technology needs and school activities was cut. This totaled $548,406 of actual cuts that were made to the budget.

Superintendent Janet Robinson met with administration, our finance director, and school personnel prior to the deliberations to discuss the critical needs of all schools. It was clear by last night’s presentation that this effort to preserve areas where children are most affected, teaching staff, and curriculum tools was well thought out and required all involved to be vested to make the dollars work. The BOE concurred and unanimously voted to accept the recommendations made by Dr Robinson. The document is available at the BOE offices if you are interested in understanding the details.

I am pleased by the outcome, considering the obstacles, and there is still much work to be done to restore our delicate school system and town to its former glory. This budget season proved that Newtown believes and wants to work hard to preserve its resources. However, it will take the same commitment from our collective community next year to continue to move this steam train forward at a constant and productive pace. Kudos to all.


Desiree Galassi

151 Huntingtown Road, Newtown                                    May 7, 2008

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