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Letters Of Endorsement



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Letters Of Endorsement

To the Editor:

Two years ago we send a young man to Hartford based on his promises to help make things better and to provide economic opportunity for all, and especially for young people like himself. He promised to represent the interests of the people of Newtown.

Unfortunately, Chris Lyddy, our current state representative, has consistently voted in favor of Connecticut’s big cities and against the people of Newtown.

On every key budget, spending, and debt vote he has voted with the Democratic majority. He has consistently voted to raise taxes, to spend and borrow more, and to expand the size and cost of government. All of these things place a great burden on Newtown’s citizens and kill the prospect of a speedy economic recovery and job growth. In fact, in 2009, the key budget year, as we do our budget every two years, he voted with the Democrats 99 percent of the time, 452 out of 456 votes.

Consider that in on day (HB 6802 / June 30, 2009) during the last budget season, Chris Lyddy voted to raise taxes by $1.5 billion (income, business, and cigarette taxes). In that vote Mr Lyddy also voted the increase state spending year over year by $500 million from FY09 to FY10. And if that wasn’t enough, he also voted to borrow $1.3 billion and put it on the credit card kicking the can down the road for you to pay later. And that’s not all; he also voted to raise fees by $110 million and cut municipal aid to towns like Newtown by $50 million. Now you know why our local leaders are struggling to keep taxes low here in town and keep our local schools great.

Perhaps he has learned his lesson and will change his stripes. I for one don’t want to take a chance with our newly elected leaders inheriting a $2.5 billion structural budget deficit this coming January.

My vote is for real leadership. I’m voting for that other guy. You know the one the Lyddy camp refers to as George Who? Yup, I’m voting for George Ferguson. We can’t afford not to!

Respectfully submitted,

Thomas L. Catalina

Butterfield Road, Newtown                                          October 5, 2010

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