Occupation: I am a lawn and landscape professional. My business is Putnam's Lawn and Landscape.
Occupation: I am a lawn and landscape professional. My business is Putnamâs Lawn and Landscape.
I first went into landscaping with my older brother when he was 16 and I was 14. We started this business together and I bought it from him. We do lawn service, masonry, and landscaping and currently have 70 accounts. Our business phone is 203-241-4846.
I graduated from Newtown High School with the Class of 2001. I am currently a student at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Va., majoring in business. I plan to graduate college in 2005.
How Long In Newtown: I was born in New Jersey, and we moved here when I was 2 years old. We live on Monitor Hill Road.
Biggest Change You Have Seen In Town: Obviously, this has become a more wealthy area. I feel it has gone from a small town feeling to a large town feeling. People seem to keep their distance a bit more than they used to. Itâs too bad.
Family: My mother and father are Ann and Chip Putnam. My mother is a personal trainer at the new gym in Monroe, and my father is a sales manager.
My brother, Eric, works for EMC in Boston in computer storage sales.
Hobbies: I like to work out at the Gym at Newtown and I hang out with my friends playing basketball. Itâs a nice community of people that go there, and weâre all friends.
Pets: We have a black Labrador named Jaspar, and a cat named Calley.
Favorite TV Show, Movie, Book: Working from 6 am to 8 pm every day and weekends, I have almost no time to read or watch TV. I do enjoy watching sports on TV. This spring, I took a junior semester in Dublin, Ireland. While traveling, I had some time on my hands and got into reading adventure novels by Clive Cussler. Ireland was absolutely wonderful. The people were so friendly.
Organizations: At school, I belong to the Madison Investment Fund where you have $200,000 to invest on Wall Street. Some have done very well with that. I listen to what the experts have to say and try to follow their advice. Itâs fun and I learn a lot.
Most Vivid Memory About Newtown: It was an away basketball game eight years ago when the Newtown High School Boys Basketball Team beat Masuk with three seconds left on the clock. Our player by the name of Gallagher dribbled the length of the court and shot a three. He double-pumped and it went in, and we won the game. Iâll never forget it.
Favorite Vacation Spot: We like to go to Maine to a family cottage my great-grandfather built.
Personal Philosophy: Life is not infinite, so I try to live every day as though it were the last. I like to accomplish something every day and I hate just sitting around. I like to set goals to motivate myself. Work hard and play hard, thatâs my motto.