Rising To The Great Pumpkin Challenge
Rising To The Great Pumpkin
To the Editor:
Even with a freak snowstorm, The Great Pumpkin Challenge turned out to be a huge success. We received 149 pumpkins and raised over $3,700. I am so proud of the way Newtown embraced this!
I know I never could have created the challenge without help from the following opZOmists: All the departments of the Town of Newtown, Castle Hill Farm, Z. Koziol Masonry, Interstate Lumber, Masonâs Farm Market, Stone River Grille, Big Y, and all the people that had a part in the Great Pumpkin Challenge!
Iâd like to thank you for your kindness, prayers and support that you have shown for Zoe. We really have helped change lives.
I canât wait to see you next year!
Mackenzie Page
14 Main Street, Newtown                                    November 14, 2011