Committed To The Community, Dedicated To Smart Progress
To the Editor:
Throughout my eight years as a Newtown resident, I have been keenly aware that our community is based on the strong educational foundation that we provide to our children. That is what excited me to run as a successful candidate two years ago for the Newtown Board of Education and still shapes my commitment to serve.
Good citizenship has always been important to me and that is why I have dedicated both my personal and professional life to giving back to the community. I have the pleasure of being in a professional career in municipal government and nonprofits which have strong missions to bring out meaningful change in individuals and communities. I hold an MBA with over 15 years’ experience of executive leadership providing youth, families, adults and seniors with programs and services that deliver lasting personal and social change. My broad range of service to the community stretches across diverse organizations which compliment my BOE work. From volunteering with 4-H, Stop Hunger Now, Town of Ashby Board of Finance, to a member of Rotary, I have always been credited for being open to multiple perspectives while being focused and accountable.
I understand the role of the school board, to support the implementation of policies and practices that provide an equitable education to all of our students – so they become lifelong learners. Over the past two years my participation on the following school board committees: CIP/Finance/ Facilities, Technology, Climate and Culture, Policy, and Custodian/Maintenance and Secretary Union Negotiations, have reinforced my commitment to our students: that they have all the opportunities to build 21st Century skills.
These are my aspirations, and of so many of our parents today. There are three main points I would like to convey to voters, things that speak to our aspirations for better schools with a healthy dose of realism.
1. Involve the community. We must foster a stronger collaborative approach among the school board, teachers, staff, and community members.
2. Maximize our resources. We cannot tax and spend our way to better schools. We must be resourceful and think creatively to achieve academic excellence.
3. Demanding excellence in Education. We must invest tax dollars where they impact teaching and learning most effectively – as close to the classroom as possible.
I am looking forward to working side by side with school board members, the community and elected officials as we discuss school spending to a rate that reflects the enrollment picture and continuing to expand unified shared services between the town and school district to achieve greater efficiency, transparency, and savings. I believe the children of Newtown are our most precious asset. The world they will grow up in will most certainly be challenging. It is our job to give them a solid educational base, fostering the very best in all of them and contributing to their continued success.
I ask that you cast your vote for me, David Freedman, for reelection to the Newtown Board of Education on November 3, 2015.
David Z. Freedman
4 Laurel Road, Newtown September 22, 2015