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When Jack Rosenthal returned home from a week’s vacation last Friday he was greeted by the spectacle of his daughter-in-law rushing out of the house with the greeting, “You have $477,000.” Newtown’s first selectman wondered briefly, “Did I win the sweepstakes?” He didn’t, but Newtown won its struggle to become eligible for that amount of money under Round II of the federal Local Public Works Employment Act.


 Two large cardboard boxes of nails spilled from the back of a delivery truck leaving a dangerous path for drivers traveling over the top of Mt Pleasant Road. The incident happened just before noon on Monday, and before the mess had been cleared from Route 67, several flat tires resulted. Among those who “lost their air” were John Grossman and Dave Williams, both of Newtown. After the incident was reported to the local police, a call went out for help to the State Highway Department which didn’t show up until too late. A half hour later the road was still littered with nails. Assistance finally arrived from the town’s highway crew and together with aid from investigating Officer John Kotch, and local resident Marvin Shreders, the roadway was made safe for travel after 20 minutes of sweeping.


The results are in from tests made on two Lake Zoar fish to determine concentrations of the chemical PCB (polychlorinated biphenol). According to Constantine Linnardos of Stepney Water Labs in Easton, the perch had a concentration of 1.8 parts per million (ppm) and the catfish had 2.1 ppm.


By a one-vote margin the Legislative Council decided not to recommend an ordinance that would allow tax exemptions to local homeowners who install solar heating devices in their homes. Only 11 of the 18 council members were present in the sweltering Alexandria Room Wednesday, July 20, and although the solar heating exemption was downed, supporter Melissa Pilchard was told the council could consider the matter again in the future.


The Newtown police are still investigating suspected arson in the July 8 fire at the Queen Street A&P, while officials of the food chain and the Newtown Shopping Center discuss reopening the outlet. Shopping center manager William E. Stratford told The Bee Wednesday, “A&P is going to be secure here for another ten years.”


Newtown Building Official William Connolly has informed the owners of the burned-out Ford Enterprises antique shop on Route 25 and Country Club Road that the structure must be removed by Monday, July 25. Mr Connolly has sent two previous letters to the Lower Manhattan Reconstruction Company, first requesting removal of debris, then invoking the “disregard of unsafe notice” provision in the state building code. The company has replied to neither of his previous letters, said Mr Connolly.


While the town received good news this week about its eligibility for Local Public Works Employment Act money, First Selectman Jack Rosenthal is faced with a relatively short period of time to decide how the $477,000 will be used. The town has to resubmit applications to the Economic Development Administration and the Department of Commerce by August 15, according to Zita McMahon, the town’s acting grants administrator.

JULY 25, 1952

Close to 100 townspeople attended the special town meeting held in the Alexandria Room of the Edmond Town Hall on Friday evening, when two ordinances were adopted, one concerning sanitation and sewage disposal and the other regulating trailer camps within the town. W.W. Holcombe presided as chairman, and first entertained a resolution presented by George Jackson which would establish regulations concerning sewage disposal systems to be constructed or rebuilt hereafter in the Town of Newtown.


Word has been received that Lee W. Glover, son of Mr and Mrs Walter L. Glover of Glover Avenue, has been promoted from the rank of corporal to sergeant. Sgt Glover, who was recently awarded the Purple Heart for a wound received in Korea, entered the service January 22, 1951, and is attached to the 279th Regiment, 45th Division.


Mr and Mrs Raymond L. Hall and son, Robert, returned home the latter part of last week from a vaction stay of two weeks at Five Islands, Me.


At a meeting of the Newtown Board of Education held on Thursday, July 17, Mrs Rebecca A. Peale, who has been secretary and clerk at the Hawley School for the past several years, submitted her resignation, which was regretfully accepted by the board.


In spite of stormy weather which held down the attendance, delayed departure, and prevented the usual games, about 100 children and parents of the Newtown Congregational Church School joined the annual picnic at Sandy Beach, Lake Quassapaug, on Monday, July 21. The group left Newtown around 11 am and, as the sun shone between 1 and 3 pm, enjoyed sitting on the beach or swimming, with time out to enjoy the picnic lunch, various parts of which had been brought by the different departments of the Church School.


The Newtown Chapter of the American Red Cross, now a branch of the Danbury Chapter, helped to defray the expense of the school bus needed to transport this year’s greatly enlarged attendance at the afternoon swimming classes at Curtis Pond, Coach Harold S. DeGroat announced this week. Children, parents, and leaders of the program have expressed gratitude to both Col C. Sidney Haight and James Miner, secretary, because without help it would have been necessary to curtail the season or make an additional charge for transportation.


Residents of all ages are hoping for a rainless Saturday night this week to view the fireworks display and take part in games and competition preceding them on Taylor Field, beginning at 8 o’clock, with fireworks after dark. The program, postponed from July 4 because of rain, has been planned by Town Recreation Director Harold S. DeGroat and Ned Platt, chairman of the Boy Scout Troop Committee.

JULY 22, 1927

A dance is held every Saturday night at Olmstead’s pavilion, Riverside, Lake Zoar, from 8:30 to 12.


J.W. Behn has sold his place in Dodgingtown to Emil Meserick and Mrs Swenson of Danbury. Mr Behn has broken ground for a new house on the hill near the Dodgingtown corner.


Master Taylor and Raynor Duncombe have built a miniature Sparo Monoplane, modeled after the familiar Fokker planes.


L.L. Briscoe has bought a Pontiac Six automobile of Lillis and Hurd.


Taylor Duncombe, Robert Gannon, Billie Cutler, and Elliott Brown returned Thursday from Camp Mohawk in the heart of the Berkshires, Litchfield County, where they spent two delightful weeks.

JULY 25, 1902

Stanley Blackman, while driving a party of friends for a pleasure drive, was caught in the shower at Charles Gilbert’s in Half Way River, and found welcome shelter in Mr Gilbert’s barn from the heavy shower.


The selectmen will meet at the town clerk’s office on Saturday from 9 am to 12 for the purpose of paying bills and attending to any other town business which may come up for their consideration.


The people of Newtown will be pleased to know that Herbert Flansburgh has completed plans to give an entertainment at Town Hall, Saturday evening, August 9.

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