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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Lions To Offer Workshop For Sandy Hook Therapists



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The Newtown Lions Club would like to show their appreciation to the therapists who are working with the people in Newtown by sponsoring a free workshop on Sunday, December 8, from 1 to 4 pm. The workshop, “Personal and Professional Resiliency with EFT/Tapping,” will be in the Conference Room of Town Hall South, 3 Main Street.

The workshop will be presented by Lori Leyden, PhD, along with Deborah DelVecchio-Scully, LPC, NCC, DCMHS, and Bob Schmidt, LPC.

This retreat offers therapists intimately involved with fostering healing following 12/14 to take a moment to pause and reflect on their experiences, share support and receive healing through the practice of the Emotional Freedom Technique/The Tapping Solution. Ms Leyden is head of the Tapping Solution Foundation’s Newtown Trauma Relief and Resiliency project.

“We invite you to join us for an afternoon of restoration, rejuvenation and resiliency,” said Mr Schmidt.

Space is limited, so registration is requested as soon as possible; send email to counselor.bob@hotmail.com. Confirmation of registration will be returned via email.

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