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Newtown, CT, USA

Dancing With Pilobolus At Reed



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As Nile Russel worked with students in a gymnasium at Reed Intermediate on Thursday, October 2, Matt Del Rosario was also surrounded by students in the school’s library/media center.

Both Mr Russel and Mr Del Rosario are with the Pilobolus Dance Theater and were visiting the school on Thursday as part of the a program through the After School Arts Program (ASAP).

According to a release from ASAP, this is its 16th year providing workshops and school programming throughout Northwest Connecticut. The dance collaboration with Reed Intermediate School students is a first for the school, and one of multiple being offered by ASAP.

The project will culminate in demonstrations and performances by the students under the guidance of Pilobolus dancers.

Pilobolus Education Coordinator Emily Kent was also at Reed on Thursday, and said each class in the school would have a chance to be taught by a Pilobolus dance instructor by Tuesday, October 7. An afterschool program will be offered starting October 14, and forms will be passed out for all interested students to sign up.

“It’s really been great,” Ms Kent said. “It’s so cool to see all the kids actively engaged in making something together.”

At the start of one class, Mr Russel had the students walk around the gymnasium while he gave them different directions. Students had to lead with their head, walk slow, move without using their limbs, and more before he had them participate in, what he called, “Pilobolus Twister” which had students work on making different movements.

“They’ve been pretty great,” Mr Russel said about the students he had taught before Thursday. “All of them so far have been pretty excited about the workshops.”

Ms Kent said the program offers students a way to experience solving movement problems, and working together to find a quick solution.

ASAP, is a charitable organization that provides more than 100 after school workshops and other activities.

For more information on ASAP, call 860-868-0740 or visit AfterSchoolArtsProgram.org, facebook.com/AfterSchoolArtsProgram, or twitter.com/ASAP_Arts_CT.

For more information about Pilobolus visit pilobolus.org.

Pilobolus teaching artist Nile Russel was surrounded by Reed Intermediate School students at the start of a lesson on Thursday, October 2.
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