Is Anybody Listening?
Is Anybody Listening?
To the Editor:
This past week, two days after the Presidentâs inauguration, I traveled on a bus with a group from Newtown to Washington to participate in the March for Life with hundreds of thousands of other citizens from across the country to bring attention to the pro-life cause to protect the lives of unborn babies.
Because the media chooses to ignore our group (no major network or newspaper reported on the march), I wish to tell you Newtown neighbors about this dedicated group of people, predominantly college and high school students, who gathered on the grounds of the Mall. Shaded by the Washington Monument hundreds of speakers of all faiths and government divisions encouraged us to fight for the rights of the unborn.
Then under the shining sun for three hours, we paraded up Constitution Avenue past the Capitol to the Supreme Court steps to plead our case for the 3,000 babies killed every day in abortion mills across the United States.
We wonder, âIs anybody listening?â
Gloria Markey
153 Louis Hill Rd, Sandy Hook                               January 26, 2009