Vote For Jim Gaston
To the Editor:
I am writing today to urge all of my fellow Newtown voters to cast their vote for Jim Gaston to remain on the Board of Finance. Jim has 12 years of experience on the Board of Finance, as well as four years of experience on the Board of Selectmen. Jim has always been the voice of reason while demanding that Newtown retain a Blue Ribbon School system, and at the same time growing the grand list to keep taxes under control. He has been a strong advocate for the borough, as well as Sandy Hook, in efforts to preserve our historical treasures and small town charm. He works well with colleagues on both side of the aisle to get things done for all of Newtown. Please join me and vote to re-elect Jim Gaston.
Joe Hemingway
10 Overlook Knoll, Sandy HookÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ October 27, 2017