Contact Michael or Susan Dutton
Devotional meetings; spiritual discussion meetings; discussions of social issues from a religious perspective. Call for current schedule.
35 Sugar Street (Route 302); 426-6484
Pastor Steve Plodinec
Sunday, Childrenâs Bible Hour and Adult Bible Groups, 9:30 am; Worship, 10:45 am with nursery; Wednesday, Bible and Prayer Group, 7 am and 7 pm.
2 Side Cut Road (near the RR station), Redding
Kenneth Brooks, Pastor
Sunday School 10 am, Sunday morning service 11 am; Sunday evening service 6 pm; Wednesday evening service 7 pm, nursery care provided.
85 Mt Pleasant Road at Tory Lane
Newtown; 426-6300 or 426-0651
Gregory Wismar, Pastor
Johanna Perry, Parish Worker
On Friday, October 5, Church Women United of Newtown and Bethel will sponsor an annual retreat at Christ the King from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm. Linda Taylor is leader. The 18th Sunday after Pentecost will be celebrated at the 10:30 am service on October 7. Featured anthem by the choir will be âHumbly, I Adore Thee.â Sunday school and Bible classes are at 9 am. The church calendar for the week includes a rehearsal of the Senior Choir on Wednesday at 8 pm. On Thursday, the Confirmation class meets at 7 pm and Bible study at 8 pm. The daytime Bible group meets at 12:30 pm on Friday.
Middle Quarter Mall
706 Main Street South, Woodbury; 263-0809
Fr Vladimir Aleandro, Priest
Gregory Curran, Youth Director
Christ the Savior is a pan-Orthodox, all-English mission of the New England Diocese of the Orthodox Church in America. Sunday, Divine Liturgy at 9:30 am; coffee hour and fellowship follows. Saturday, Great Vespers, 6 pm.
Saw Mill Road; 270-1455
Bishop Gary Hutchison
Family History Center 426-1752
Full-time missionaries may be reached at 270-7087. Sunday Sacrament Meeting, 9:30 to 10:30 am; Sunday School and Primary School at 10:30 am; Priesthood, Relief Society and Young Women meeting, 11:30 am; Teenagersâ Activities on Wednesday, 7 to 8:30 pm. The womenâs organization also sponsors monthly classes on a variety of topics dealing with the family and homemaking. The group meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7 pm.
Meets at Newtown Meeting House
36 Main Street (at the flagpole)
The Rev William Kessler, Pastor
Sunday School, 9:45 am; Worship Service, 11 am; Evening Service, 6 pm. Home Bible Studies and Womenâs Bible Study are held in membersâ homes. For information about time and location, call Rev Kessler at 270-3730. For further information, call Chris Crandall at 426-9569.
35 Sugar Street (Route 302); 426-8610
The Rev Jun-Soo Han, Pastor
Sunday Worship Service, 2 pm; Wednesday, Praise, Bible, and Prayer Time, 8:30 pm; Saturday, Neighborhood Bible Study, 8 pm.
27 Roxbury Road (Corner of Routes 6 & 67)
Southbury; 262-1944
Sunday Services, 11 am. All are welcome to hear the worldwide weekly Christian Science Bible Lesson with readings from the Bible and correlative passages from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Join in singing hymns, silent prayer, and the Lordâs Prayer. All children up to age 20 are welcome to attend the Christian Science Sunday School, also at 11 am. New pupils are asked to come a few minutes early. Childcare is provided for children too young to attend Sunday School. Wednesday, Testimony Meeting, 7:30 to 8:30 pm. Everyone is invited to listen to passages selected from the Bible and Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures on a timely subject, sing hymns, and listen to the congregation testify to the healing effects of prayer in their daily lives, as well as give remarks on Christian Science.
466 Elm Street, Monroe; 268-7596
The Rev Bryan A. Leone, Pastor
Sunday worship service with Holy Communion at 8 am and 10:30 am, Sunday Church School at 9:15 am, Adult Bible Study at 9:15 am, Confirmation class at 9:15 am, high school education class at 9:15 am. On Thursday the following groups meet: Womenâs Bible Study at 9 am, Bell Choir at 6:45 pm, Senior Choir at 7:30 pm.
The Rev Barry Fredericks, Pastor
The Rev Sheila Fredericks, Associate Pastor
Christopher Caton, Administrator
Adam Fredericks, Children & Youth Pastor
Sunday worship, 8 and 10 am; Childrenâs Church and Nursery at all services. Wednesday, worship 7:30 pm. Ladiesâ Fellowship and Bible Study third Saturday of the month, 10 am at the church. Menâs Fellowship, first Saturday, 8 am, breakfast at the church. Care Group, second Sunday.
Eighth and Roberts Avenues, Danbury; 748-0671
Robert Hublak, Youth Director
Susan Pataut, Choir Director
Sunday Divine Liturgy, 10 am, coffee hour follows. Church School every Thursday, 6:30 pm. Pierogie cooking sessions Tuesday, 9 am to noon. Holy Trinity is a New Calendar, English services parish. Guests and visitors are always welcome.
122 South Pomperaug Avenue, Woodbury; 266-4810
The Rev Bonnie Vegiard
Sunday Service, 10:30 am. Religious education and childcare are available during the service. Visitors are welcome.
Corner Route 133 and Tower Road, Brookfield
860-355-4955 ⢠The Rev Carl E. Mesnig
Sunday service 11 am. On October 7 âAt Table With Jesusâ is the title of the sermon by Rev Mesnig for World Communion Sunday. The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated. A special offering, âOne Great Hour of Sharing,â will be received; the proceeds of which will be directly used for relief in the Attack on America efforts in New York City. The Youth Moment this Sunday is entitled âParty Invitations.â
102 Church Hill Road, Sandy Hook, 426-3819
Pastor Allen Johnson
Newtown Baptist Church is a local church with a worldwide vision for reaching souls with the Gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ. NBC is a warm and friendly church with a ministering heart. Its goal is to help meet the spiritual needs of the individual, the family, as well as the community. Sunday school, 10 am; Sunday Morning Service, 11 am; Sunday Childrenâs Church, 11 am; Sunday Evening Service, 6 pm. Wednesday Prayer Meeting, 7 pm. Nursery is provided during all services.
210 Sugar Street, Newtown, 426-6189
Jack Tanner, Minister ⢠Jessie Claudio, Student Intern
Sunday Bible School, 8:45 am; Worship service 10 am. Nursery is provided. For small group studies call the church office for place, time, location. The congregation is fundamental Bible teaching group that is locally autonomous.
14 West Street, Office at 41A Main Street, 426-9024
The Rev Steven Gordon, Senior Minister
The Rev Janice Touloukian, Associate Minister
The Rev Alastair Sellars, Pastor Emeritus
Edwin Corfey, Commissioned Lay Minister
The Rev Steven Gordon, senior minister, will be preaching Sunday at the 10 am worship service. The Rev Janice Touloukian, associate minister, will be on a retreat with some women of the church on Saturday but will be back to assist in the Sunday morning service. She will be doing the Childrenâs Message as the children will be worshiping with their parents. There will be no Sunday school this week because the teachers will be dedicated during the worship service. âCelebrate!â will be the theme for the musical portion of the service. âA Gathering,â including middle and high school students, will provide music and inspiration under the direction of Carl Lindquist. A special benediction will be offered to the congregation by the Sunday School children. On Sunday at 7 pm, Rev Touloukian will be conducting the first session for new members in the church parlor at the church house. On Friday, October 5, Church Women United of Newtown and Bethel will sponsor an annual retreat at Christ the King Lutheran Church in Newtown from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm. Linda Taylor is leader. Two new groups are forming at the church. Motherâs Circle for mothers with young children is meeting to play, snack, and chat. For more information call Sheilah Krasnickas 270-7391 or Krista Hicks Benson 270-8136. Circle of Grace will hold its first meeting on Tuesday, October 9, from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. For more information call Margie Czel at 364-1015 or Terry Ferris at 270-1406. This group is open to all women to worship, study and serve together. Senior choir meets at 8 pm on Thursdays and the Bell Choir meets Tuesdays at 6:45 pm. Wednesday Bible study continues at 9:30 am in the Sanctuary with Rev Gordon. Monday Bible study is at 7:30 pm in the church house.
92 Church Hill Road, Sandy Hook, 426-9998
The Rev Terry W. Pfeiffer, Pastor
The Rev E. Sue Klein, Deacon
Family Worship 8 am and 10 am every Sunday. Church School 10:30 am. Adult Bible Study 8:45 am. We are the church of âOpen Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doorsâ and all are welcome.
United Church of Christ, Route 172, South Britain
The Rev Dr Peter J. Meister, Interim Minister
Sunday worship service 10 am, followed by coffee hour at 11 am. Monday, October 8, Connecticut Choral Society, 5:30 to 10 pm; Tuesday, confirmation class 4 pm, master chorale, 6 pm, adult choir, 7:30 pm; Wednesday, Barnabas group, 4:30 pm; Cub Scouts 6:30 pm, Spirit Singers, 7:15 pm; Thursday, Cub Scouts 7 pm.
423 Main Street, Monroe; 268-9680
The Rev Dr George W. Britt, Pastor
David Edwards, Youth Director
Sunday school for all ages (birth to adult), 9 am; Fellowship, 10 am; Worship Service, 10:30 am, childcare available. Youth Group for grades 7-12 meets Wednesday, 6:30-8:30 pm.
Washington Ave (Route 34)
(Mailing address is PO Box 716) Sandy Hook; 426-9938
The Rev William Padgett, Priest
Lois Pratt and Joanne Hornak, Co-Wardens
Sunday, Holy Eucharist and Sermon, 9:30 am, childcare provided; Church school for children 9:30 am. Annual events include Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. St Johnâs is the home of FAITH food pantry, an ecumenical ministry that distributes to those in need on an emergency basis. Hours are Tuesday, 10 am to noon, and Thursday, 6 to 7:30 pm. St Johnâs is presently housing The Back Door Cafe, sponsored by Newtownâs public schools.
A mission parish of the Orthodox Church of America
93 Dodgingtown Road, Bethel; 791-9994;
Saturday, Vespers at 6 pm. Sunday, Divine Liturgy at 10 am. Wednesday, prayer ministry at 7:30 pm, with class following. Services in English, and all are welcome.
46 Church Hill Road; 426-1014
The Rev Robert E. Weiss, Pastor
The Rev Lawrence A. Larson, Parochial Vicar
The Rev Peter J. Towsley, Parochial Vicar
Thomas F. Curran, Deacon
Weekday Masses, 6:45 and 9 am; Saturday Masses, 8 am, 4 pm, and 5:30 pm. Sunday Masses are 7:30, 9, 10:30 am, and noon. Confessions on Saturdays at 3 to 4 pm or by appointment. Prebaptismal instruction on first Sunday at 1 pm (register with the parish secretary); legal holiday Mass, 8 am only; Holy Day Vigil, 7:30 pm; Holy Day Masses, 6:45 and 9 am, 5:30, and 7:30 pm. Director of Religious Education, Pam Arsenault; Coordinator of Religious Education Terri Berthier; Sacrament Coordinators Kim Braun and Patty Wasicki; Music Director Joseph Jacovino; Womenâs Club President Deborah Reilly; Men of St Rose, Patrick Shevlin. Annual events include a parish carnival, a Christmas fair, and parish dances.
36 Main Street; 426-9070
The Rev Kathleen E. Adams-Shepherd, Rector
The Rev Kurt J. Huber, Assistant to the Rector
The Rev William Hart, Deacon Emeritus
Anne M. Turner, Seminary Intern
Sundays: Holy Eucharist, 8 and 9:45 am; Tuesdays: Morning Prayer, 9:30 am; Wednesdays: Spiritual Refreshment Study, 12:30 pm; Holy Eucharist & Healing, 7:15 pm. Choirs: Tuesdays, Boys & Girls Choir, 5 pm; Thursdays: Scholas Cnatorum, 4:30 pm, Adult Choir 7:30 pm. Primary Choir (call church for day and time). Church School: Classes on Sunday beginning with the 9:45 am service until noon; Church School special events: Blessing of the Animals, All Saintsâ Celebration, St Nicholas Day, Christmas Pageant, Intergenerational events, Lenten projects, Good Friday Childrenâs service, Rogation Sunday, Outreach projects, and Childrenâs Liturgy. All youth groups meet every Sunday evening from 5 to 7 pm. Music Minister Maria Coffin; Church School Director Sue Vogelman, Administrative Assistant Patricia G. Ehlers; Parish Secretary, Margaret Cassin; Sexton Jack Qubick.
9 Picketts Ridge Road, Redding;
438-4281 (main office) or 438-2534 (ministerâs study)
The Rev Dr Daniel Simer OâConnell, Minister
Mary Collins, Director of Religious Education
The Unitarian Universalist Society of Northern Fairfield County has two Sunday Services at 9 and 11 am. On Sunday, October 7, parish minister Rev Dr Daniel OâConnell will lead âWho is Watching the Watchers? The Ethics of Bioethicists & Patents on Life.â Religious dducation and childcare for young children are available. For more information, call the Society office, (203) 438-4281.
21 West Whisconier Road, Brookfield; 775-2624
The Rev Royal B. Garren
Sunday service at 9:30 am. Fellowship and coffee hour follows at 10:30 am. Childcare is provided. Adult midweek Bible study meets each Wednesday from 1 to 2:30 pm.
156 Walnut Hill Road, Bethel; 796-7373
Joel Eidsness, Senior Pastor
Worship services: Saturday 5 pm and 6:45 pm, Sunday 9 am and 10:45 am. Childcare and childrenâs programs available during all services. Junior and Senior High Primetime at 5 pm on Saturday and 9 am on Sunday. Adult small groups and Bible studies as well as children and youth activities throughout the week. See the website for specifics or contact the church office.
Area Synagogues
122 South Pomperaug Ave, Woodbury; 263-3213
Friday services, 7:30 pm. Saturday services, 9:30 am. All are welcome.
111 Huntingtown Road
(mailing address is PO Box 623);426-5188 or 426-6817
Rabbi Moshe Betan
Friday night services, 8 pm, except the first Friday of the month, at 7:30 pm, which is a family service. Saturday services on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month, 9:30 am. Hebrew School, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 4:15 pm. Sunday School, 8 to 10 am and 9:45 am- to noon. President is Mark Moskowitz, 426-5655. The sisterhood is made up of ladies of the synagogue; President is Marsha Moskowitz (426-5655). Eric Israel (426-2932) is president of the Menâs Club. Traditional events include a Purim Carnival, Progressive Dinner, Corn Party, and Community Break-the-fast.
âDanburyâs Only Conservative Congregationâ
193 Clapboard Ridge Road, Danbury; 792-6161
Rabbi Vivian S. Mayer
Shalom Lampell, President
Saturday services, 9:30 am. Following each weekly reading, Rabbi Vivian Mayer conducts an exchange of ideas relating to the theme of the reading. All are welcome. Chanting services are held on Monday evenings at 7 pm. All are welcome. Succot services Sunday at 9:30 am including family service, nature program and walk, fellowship in the Succah. Monday, October 9 at 8 am, Hoshana rabba services; Tuesday, October 9, 7:30 pm, singing and dancing with the Torah; Wednesday, October 10, 9:30 am, Simchat Torah. For more information call Monday through Friday between 9:30 am and 1 pm.
141 Deer Hill Avenue, Danbury; 748-3355
Rabbi Bradd Boxman
Friday, Reform Services 8 pm. Family Service, third Friday of each month, 7:30 pm, and Saturdays during the school year at 11:15 am. Traditional services, Saturday 8:45 am. Craig Taubman & Company will conduct a most joyous Friday night service in music and song to kick off the year-long 75th anniversary of the center at 8 pm on October 19. This service is perfect for the whole family. This special Shabbat service is a gift to the community from the Robert S. Young Foundation for Jewish Culture.