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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Teacher Workshop



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Teacher Workshop

The Mark Twain House and Museum is sponsoring a five-day summer workshop to help teachers become more proficient in using the works of Mark Twain, one of America’s greatest humorists and novelists, in their English and history classrooms.

“Why Mark Twain Matters: Strategies for Teaching Twain in the 21st Century” will be offered to 50 public, private, and home-school educators the week of July 11–15. Teachers who are accepted into the program will receive a $300 stipend to help defray their transportation and other expenses. The workshop will be held at the Museum Center on the grounds of Twain’s Hartford home.

The program is available to elementary and secondary educators. Teachers must apply by June 1 to participate in the program. An application form and additional information about the program is available by calling 860-247-0998 or visiting the website www.MarkTwainHouse.org.

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