The Passing Of An Icon In The Lake Community
The Passing Of An Icon
In The Lake Community
To the Editor:
Those of us who have spent summers on Lake Zoar may have had the pleasure (or displeasure... if you didnât understand her) of knowing Muriel Harding. For nearly 40 years or so, Muriel had been a fixture on Lake Zoar, residing over the Zoar Beach Marina. For those of us who were members or had visited the marina, we all remember Murielâs pointed notes on the rest room doors and her constant reminders to keep things in order. To the newbies she often came across as harsh and uncaring, but in fact... her caring was why she was so harsh at times. For those of you who were not members, you may have been angered by her turning you away when you wanted to grab a bite to eat at Zoar Drive In. It wasnât that she didnât want you to enjoy yourself and have a nice meal. It was because of all of those who came before you who abused the privilege. She was protecting her community, making things safe for those she cared about.
Given that the deck was stacked against her, she was a petite single woman running a business that is largely dominated by males, some considered her steadfastness as witchy. However, we always admired her for her strength and ability to stand up to just about anyone.
We spent several seasons at Zoar Beach Marina and have so many fond memories of our times there. Those of us who knew her... really knew her... understood that witchiness and respected her all the more for it. She was an inspiration to all of us; she started with nothing and managed to run a successful business for over 40 years.
She was harsh at times, she may have even seemed mean, but she was looking out for her customers and her friends. We are so very grateful to have had her consider us as friends.
We are deeply saddened at her passing but know that she is now at peace, with Al and Princess and her dearest Tootsie.
We loved you Muriel and will miss you very much and think of you often.
The lake just wonât be the same.
To those who wish to pay your respects, check in with Mike at Zoar Drive In. A service is being planned for some time at the end of summer.
Paul and Lorie Gibbons
6 Bridge End Farm Lane, Sandy Hook                      August 3, 2007