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Selectmen Approve First Of Two Town Hall Kitchen Grants



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Selectmen Approve First Of Two Town Hall Kitchen Grants

By John Voket

Pretty soon they will be “cookin’ with gas”…and probably convection as well.

The Board of Selectmen August 4 pledged the allocation of at least one Local Capital Improvement Plan (LoCIP) grant in the coming months to the Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers to help complete a thorough kitchen renovation.

The work, once completed, could pay for itself in the space of just a few years, according to board chair Jay Gill.

“Right now without [a kitchen] the room rental is under $300,” Mr Gill told the selectmen. “But with a fully functional kitchen we could double or triple that amount.”

Donald Studley, who was also on hand at the meeting, said today, upward of $150,000 in income is generated toward the town hall management and upkeep through rental of various rooms for purposes ranging from church and program meetings to children’s parties and dog obedience classes. That amount currently represents about a third of its total income, Mr Studley said.

Mr Gill estimated the Alexandria Room alone, once its attached kitchen is completed, could generate $60,000–$70,000 annually.

While Monday’s meeting agenda reflected a $123,000 request, selectmen determined through conversations with Mr Gill and board member James Juliano that the trustees could make great progress with just $90,000. Then, Selectman Herb Rosenthal suggested the board could either amend the grant application for the difference if slightly more is needed, or come back in the next round of grants and request the balance then.

Or the board could just wait until next March and apply for the full $123,000 again.

“We’ll take the $90,000,” Mr Juliano said with a laugh. He told the board that the interior work to prepare the area on the second floor of the stately Main Street building was nearly complete and ready for appliance and hardware installations.

Once designated by the Board of Selectmen, Mr Rosenthal said, it takes an authorization by First Selectman Joe Borst to deliver the money. Mr Borst would attest that the funds are to be used for the purpose spelled out in the grant paperwork, he added.

The town receives approximately $200,000 annually through the state grant program.

Besides new refrigerator units, those renting the room, including catering operators, would be able to utilize a gas stove, heating and steaming convection ovens, a commercial workstation, and utensils.

Mr Juliano said that while some hardware bids had expired, he has kept in touch with all kitchen equipment suppliers and has no worries about suppliers honoring their existing bids. Following the meeting, Mr Gill said that the original project estimates for the job have been substantially downscaled thanks to volunteers providing hands-on assistance prepping the area for the new installations.

During the meeting Mr Juliano mentioned one board member donated a $400 water heater and another donated all the paint to complete the cosmetic aspects of the renovation.

FHA Appointment

In other business at the same meeting, it was announced that Fairfield Hills Authority member Moira Rodgers had resigned, citing family matters that require her attention as the reason for her departure, according to the first selectman.

Mr Borst told the selectmen that concurrent with Ms Rodgers resignation he received a letter tendering the application of architect John Madzula for the vacancy. Authority Chair Robert Geckle attended the meeting and requested selectmen immediately consider the replacement.

Mr Rosenthal said Mr Madzula was a respected architect with experience in working with historic buildings. He said the resident had pitched in on ad hoc initiatives of the Fairfield Hills Authority. Mr Borst said he has known Mr Madzula for years and supported his appointment.

“It’s an excellent choice,” Mr Borst said.

All three selectmen expressed their thanks and gratitude to Ms Rodgers, who had provided many hours of volunteer time throughout the process of purchasing and developing the Fairfield Hills campus.

“Moira served on the original task force [exploring the feasibility of purchasing Fairfield Hills],” Mr Rosenthal said. “She put in a lot of effort and I commend her for her service.”

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