Ring The Bell This Season
To the Editor:
It's that time of year again, when Newtown's generous spirit shines through. Every year, I am amazed at how easy it is to fill the spots for the Salvation Army Bell Ringing campaign. The people in New-town and Sandy Hook are amazing. The spots are one hour a piece. I always say, "who couldn’t do one thing for one hour?"
Thanksgiving is next week, a reminder to me of all we have to be thankful for – and right after that we begin going into holiday mode, which to me brings to mind helping one another.
The Salvation Army will, once again, have their bell ringing weekends beginning Friday, December 11th and Saturday, December 12th, Friday, December 18th and Saturday, December 19th. Ninety per-cent of the monies collected in the kettles in Newtown remains in Newtown. Social Services uses those funds throughout the year to help many Newtowners. We have several locations – on Friday nights we are ringing from 4-8 at Stop & Shop (both sides), Yankee Wine and Walgreens. On Saturday’s we ring from 8-12 at Dunkin Donuts, Yankee Wine from 12-4, Walgreens 9-4, and one slot at Stop and Shop, both sides on Saturday, December 12th from 3-4 (The Lions man S&S on the 12th and the Congrega-tional Church man S&S on the 19th).
If you’d like to help, please call me at 203-426-1035 (H), 203-417-3004 (C) or e mail me – aroosterw@yahoo.com.
Thank you,
Anna Wiedemann
Steve Bennett
Co-Chairs of Bell Ringing
The Salvation Army
13 Clearview Drive, Sandy Hook November 18, 2015